Archived: Signature
Posted Under: Suggestions & Bug Reports
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08/30/12 11:50 pm | #1
Re: Signature
08/31/12 12:07 am | #2

Hit quote, copy the text, put it in your signature.
Re: Signature
08/31/12 12:23 am | #3
That didnt work for me. Im prob just an idiot
Re: Signature
08/31/12 12:24 am | #4
Unattributed Quote:
Unattributed Quote:
Re: Signature
08/31/12 12:34 am | #5
[i mg][/ img]
Delete what you have in your sig and copy and paste THAT ^. Then delete the space between the I and the m in the first brackets, and delete the space between the / and the img in the 2nd.
Delete what you have in your sig and copy and paste THAT ^. Then delete the space between the I and the m in the first brackets, and delete the space between the / and the img in the 2nd.
Re: Signature
08/31/12 12:39 am | #6
Thank you Kat! And thanks AJ for trying

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