Archived: should i do it ?
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Re: should i do it ?
05/08/11 1:18 am | #3
If you got DR2 for free, and WWE for $10 than your basically not losing anything lol. Dr2 is meh, and wrestiling is for fruit cakes (jk... sorta). LA Noire is for straight up beastly gods. So yes, trade them in.
Re: should i do it ?
05/08/11 1:38 am | #6
I did this a few weeks ago. I normally don't trade my games. Surprisingly I traded in Sims 3 and Family Game Night 3. I already had 1k Sims 3 and FGN3 is bad because of the added mini games. I wouldn't have expected to get $25 for either of them, so I jumped on the offer. ^_^
Re: should i do it ?
05/08/11 2:22 am | #8
no dont trade in dead rising 2 play it with me lol
Re: should i do it ?
05/08/11 3:23 am | #9
Balls out buddy. If you're done playing them, then get something new.
Re: should i do it ?
05/08/11 3:56 am | #11
lol im just messin with ya ive been looking for someone to play it with and i rember u said u had it but ill have it for awhile i got other games to work on till then lol
Re: should i do it ?
05/08/11 4:38 am | #13
omg I got rid of almost all those games on that list a few months ago but I still have like 3 or 4 of those.....I want to do this so bad :'(
I have wwe 2011 for ps3 and oblivion goty on 360, do they let you cross platforms wen trading in for something like this?
I have wwe 2011 for ps3 and oblivion goty on 360, do they let you cross platforms wen trading in for something like this?
Re: should i do it ?
05/08/11 6:57 am | #14
as long as the games are on the qualifying list, it doesnt matter, which platform it is on.
btw eff gamestop
btw eff gamestop
Re: should i do it ?
05/08/11 7:24 am | #15
hmmm now the question is 3 disks or 1 blu-ray hmmmmm