Closed: Self Admin Rights
Posted Under: Suggestions & Bug Reports
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Re: Self Admin Rights
04/03/10 12:59 am | #2
User Cp > Block Communications > Add Name > selcet shouts

Re: Self Admin Rights
04/03/10 1:24 am | #4
I still wish there was a "Broken Record" award...
Re: Self Admin Rights
04/05/10 3:16 pm | #5
Quote by FourChan:
I think people should be able to block and what not on who is able to post on their shout-out cause I had some pretty nasty crap said about me and I don't want the person being able to post stuff on my profile again.
Aww! Is somebody being mean??
Was the nasty stuff said as bad as this...
Quote by theevol1's shoutbox:
FourChan - 2 days ago 48604
Yeah dude, fuck you and your ugly whore wife is a fucking cunt. Yes, CUNT, Giant huge smelly fat fucking cunt. So go fuck you and go fuck that smelly fucking thing you're married to.
Yeah dude, fuck you and your ugly whore wife is a fucking cunt. Yes, CUNT, Giant huge smelly fat fucking cunt. So go fuck you and go fuck that smelly fucking thing you're married to.
It's nice of you to play the victim here, but you know what? You can't call people horrible names and then run to the moderators before they do and say you're being harassed.
It's no wonder you have been banned previously from another site and you come here displaying the same pattern of behavior directed at women.
Re: Self Admin Rights
04/05/10 3:20 pm | #6
DAMN. And i thought FourChan was cool....
Re: Self Admin Rights
04/05/10 3:21 pm | #7
Taking bets on the event of the month. Evol vs. FourChan Cage Match.
I'll a dollar for every point Evol has scored in his best game of Hexic that he'll annihilate FourChan.
I'll a dollar for every point Evol has scored in his best game of Hexic that he'll annihilate FourChan.
Re: Self Admin Rights
04/05/10 3:24 pm | #8
Wow dude, you're whining about shit in your box when you said all that. What a tool.
Re: Re: Self Admin Rights
04/05/10 3:30 pm | #9
Quote by AJ:
Taking bets on the event of the month. Evol vs. FourChan Cage Match.
I'll a dollar for every point Evol has scored in his best game of Hexic that he'll annihilate FourChan.
I'll a dollar for every point Evol has scored in his best game of Hexic that he'll annihilate FourChan.
That's a terrific bet, sir.
Well, he blocked me, so obviusly he wants to be a coward and run and hide instead of working this out like an adult.
All I did was told him to shut his fucking mouth after he posted THIS...

Four Channel is absolutely NOT a victim here, so he can cut the shit.
Re: Self Admin Rights
04/05/10 3:35 pm | #10
He didnt do it!... wait this isnt a thread about OJ
Re: Self Admin Rights
04/05/10 3:36 pm | #11
Wasn't he also crying the other week that Nick called him retarded? I found that pretty hilarious.
Re: Self Admin Rights
04/05/10 3:38 pm | #12
Ya know....i really dont see a firefighter being a hardcore Anime fan. LOL it just doesn't match up. To me at least.
Re: Re: Self Admin Rights
04/05/10 3:38 pm | #13
Quote by AJ:
Wasn't he also crying the other week that Nick called him retarded? I found that pretty hilarious.

Crappy indeed. lol
Re: Self Admin Rights
04/05/10 3:40 pm | #14
i turned on my censor and looked at this page and all i see is f***** s**** c*** f**************** all over the place xD
btw why is whore not censored?
btw why is whore not censored?
Re: Re: Self Admin Rights
04/05/10 3:45 pm | #15
Quote by BoyzRFlatt:
i turned on my censor and looked at this page and all i see is f***** s**** c*** f**************** all over the place xD
btw why is whore not censored?
btw why is whore not censored?
Whore is just a word with a meaning of prostitute (I suppose all the other edited ones are the same thing as well). Generally whore has a negative connotation when originally it was just a reference to a profession. The other words that are deleted generally are considered "impolite" or "inappropriate"
I guess I can't really do anything about any previous posts since they were just shoutbox posts and I don't moderate those, but in an effort to prevent this from becoming a member bashing thread I am going to close it.
Please remember if you don't like the way someone is shouting/PMing (or anything else) to you check out the User CP and Block Communications tabs. You can block anything from anyone.
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