If u only tried out one public free roam that doesnt necessarily mean they fixed it yet, not sure if they have by now, but Bongo and I got to 50 in about 3 hours each, BUT it took a few games to get into a game that was glitched and worked. Not every game u load into is glitched, if u load in and whistle for ur horse and it doesnt appear on ur mini map that means ur in a game u can glitch in. I got into a few games but lost connection/and or got booted until it finally put me in a glitched free roam by myself. Once in and glitchin I invited Bongo and we each went to a different gang hideout and anytime someone joined into our game we immediately booted them. I went from 16-50 in under 3 hours total time, however now my D-pad is probably broken after repeatedly mashing left on it :laugh: