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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/13/11 12:53 pm | #7951
Quote by Xitl:
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
gawker.com had a different story about the theory on that one.
What did they say happened?
Wut else could it be
They said that footage was from a different star system. But when I googled it, everything I found is stating that it came from Mercury.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/13/11 10:27 pm | #7952
I love how I just thought that I just had a cold, nope strep throat >.>. I wouldn't really care if this wasn't finals week, but god dammit. It just seems I can't get a break. If my girlfriends present doesn't come in before Friday I'm going to be sad and probably rage.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/13/11 11:29 pm | #7953
prboably getting sick, this definitely isn't a good sign.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/14/11 6:37 am | #7954
Just woke up because I couldn't breathe... I don't think my body likes me, my stomach was in self destruct mode now my chest >.>
Re: Random Thoughts
12/15/11 6:54 pm | #7956
I have to write this paper but i just finished 2 of them maybe i will do it maybe will put it off?
Re: Random Thoughts
12/15/11 11:26 pm | #7957
It's official. I don't know why I denied it for so long. The Atlanta Falcons have joined the Steelers and Ravens as the NFL teams I absolutely despise. Mike Smith is a fucking glue sniffer. Fuck.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/15/11 11:31 pm | #7958
Finally got a new computer so I can get back to all the good internet things.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/15/11 11:35 pm | #7960
Quote by AintLikeYou:
Finally as the winter sets in im getting back to gaming. Its been a few months that I have just not been feeling it. Now I got 15 games from the gamestop buy 2 get 1 sale I have a lot to play.
Do you actually have snow? Where Im at we have had maybe 3 inches but its pretty much all melted. It sucks....
Re: Random Thoughts
12/16/11 7:29 pm | #7961
well i finally am re-employed and hopefully can start getting my life back together. just taking everything one step at a time.......
Re: Random Thoughts
12/16/11 8:39 pm | #7962
Made it to rank 9 overall in Trials HD, pretty happy about that.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/16/11 11:11 pm | #7963
I have a free one month code here if anyone wants it, I would post this in the free stuff thread, but then knowing my luck I would get people that have been on the site once asking :p So anyone need one?
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/16/11 11:39 pm | #7964
Quote by theEVOL1:
It's official. I don't know why I denied it for so long. The Atlanta Falcons have joined the Steelers and Ravens as the NFL teams I absolutely despise. Mike Smith is a fucking glue sniffer. Fuck.
Yeah and they have some lousy ass fans to boot. They don't even bother to stay for the 4th quarter of a prime time game when they're team is blowing out the Jags last night.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/17/11 2:35 pm | #7965
free month of XBL gold from Bing:
all you need is a facebook account and an email address.
*edit* apparently this is for non-gold members only. i just read the email.
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