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Random Thoughts
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Re: Random Thoughts
06/05/11 7:37 pm | #4771
I liked ass creed for android...its by gameloft correct?
Chuck shut up lets play some BC2
Re: Random Thoughts
06/05/11 10:24 pm | #4772
I wont be on LIVE for at least a week, and possibly a few months. Our town is being evacuated due to the flooding of the Missouri River. They say worst case scenario, if the leve fails, will be 10 feet of water.
I do not know when I will be back on LIVE.

I can still check here with my phone though.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/05/11 10:27 pm | #4773
Quote by PureEvil x21:
I wont be on LIVE for at least a week, and possibly a few months. Our town is being evacuated due to the flooding of the Missouri River. They say worst case scenario, if the leve fails, will be 10 feet of water.
I do not know when I will be back on LIVE.
I can still check here with my phone though.

PS. Hope your ok
PSS. Dont Die
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/05/11 10:45 pm | #4774
Quote by PureEvil x21:
I wont be on LIVE for at least a week, and possibly a few months. Our town is being evacuated due to the flooding of the Missouri River. They say worst case scenario, if the leve fails, will be 10 feet of water. I do not know when I will be back on LIVE.

I can still check here with my phone though.

Stay safe brother, hopefully everything is just for precautionary reasons and everyone can go back to their DRY homes.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/05/11 10:48 pm | #4775
Quote by PureEvil x21:
I wont be on LIVE for at least a week, and possibly a few months. Our town is being evacuated due to the flooding of the Missouri River. They say worst case scenario, if the leve fails, will be 10 feet of water.
I do not know when I will be back on LIVE.
I can still check here with my phone though.

Hope everything goes well, where ever you move to. I'll keep you and your family in my thoughts.
Re: Random Thoughts
06/06/11 1:04 am | #4776
Wow. I've almost "simmed" 10% more career races in Forza 3 today. Almost at 60% done for all gold metals and game complete... I just want this done.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/06/11 2:59 am | #4778
Quote by PureEvil x21:
I wont be on LIVE for at least a week, and possibly a few months. Our town is being evacuated due to the flooding of the Missouri River. They say worst case scenario, if the leve fails, will be 10 feet of water.
I do not know when I will be back on LIVE.
I can still check here with my phone though.

Good luck buddy. I hope the leve holds up.
Re: Random Thoughts
06/06/11 8:43 am | #4779
I am sooo tired, and don't feel like going to class today... but I skipped on Friday, so I should probably go. Ugh.
Re: Random Thoughts
06/06/11 10:17 am | #4780
1) Evil, you be safe now you bum. You better come back to us safe or I'll have to smack you in the afterlife for leaving us too early. I'll surely keep you, Mrs. Evil, and the lil Evil's in my thoughts.
2) The air is out again at work, but they're sending us all home early because of it. Yay extra weekend day!
Re: Random Thoughts
06/06/11 10:33 am | #4781
Re: Random Thoughts
06/06/11 4:50 pm | #4782
Gamefly is sending me Red Faction Armageddon. Bout fucking time they mail me something on release day.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/06/11 4:53 pm | #4783
Quote by Detroit:
Gamefly is sending me Red Faction Armageddon. Bout fucking time they mail me something on release day.
That is such a rare thing to happen. I've been with them for about three years. I've only seen that happen in my case once.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/06/11 5:09 pm | #4784
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Quote by Detroit:
Gamefly is sending me Red Faction Armageddon. Bout fucking time they mail me something on release day.
That is such a rare thing to happen. I've been with them for about three years. I've only seen that happen in my case once.
That sucks ass lol.
Its funny because it wasn't even at my number one spot...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
06/06/11 5:49 pm | #4785
Quote by Detroit:
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
That is such a rare thing to happen. I've been with them for about three years. I've only seen that happen in my case once.
That sucks ass lol.
Its funny because it wasn't even at my number one spot...

Fuck!! That's not funny at all. Okay, maybe a little.
I have a bunch of newer games in my top 10. Most say medium and the rest say low for their availability. The one I just received was number 12 on my Q.
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