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Random Thoughts
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Re: Random Thoughts
02/02/11 3:48 pm | #2446
Starting to see the sunshine again. The thing about new mexico is the snow doesn't last long.
Re: Random Thoughts
02/03/11 1:17 am | #2447
Just got home from an 18 hour shift at work....
I'm going to bed....
Re: Random Thoughts
02/03/11 6:54 am | #2448
The week is almost over! Two classes this morning, and one tomorrow, win!
Also, Satan and I decided to make a list of our top hottest women. It was quite an exciting adventure, not that we're finished.
And my space bar keeps failing me, and it's frustrating.
Re: Random Thoughts
02/03/11 7:46 am | #2449
Just two classes today. But I hate driving in this ass weather because other people suck at it
Re: Random Thoughts
02/03/11 10:56 am | #2451
Charlotte area drivers make me want to slit my wrists, they're so terrible.
Re: Random Thoughts
02/03/11 11:39 am | #2452
a snow day today just would of been too good to be true.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
02/03/11 11:51 am | #2453
Quote by Melissa Evol:
My brother is moving to GA at the end of the month. He's giving up a decent job that my dad got him, where he makes $12 an hour, to be a cashier at Publix, and make whatever they make- minimum wage? All he talks about is how he can't wait to get away from the bad drivers of California. That makes me laugh, because GA is full of TERRIBLE drivers! These people here are soooo bad, I can't even describe it without making a huge wall o' text, but because they're mostly black or white (rather than the Asians and Indians in Cali) he thinks that it'll be better.
I've driven in many many states, among many many races, and this area of Georgia is the worst I've ever lived in, so hopefully he doesn't come move in with us.
For me, downtown Boston and downtown Houston are the 2 worst places in America to drive.
Re: Random Thoughts
02/03/11 3:15 pm | #2454
I was gonna go to class just a few minutes ago.
But my truck is stuck.... its ice underneath my tires, and my tires are old. Im waaaaaaaaay to lazy to break up the ice. Staying home for the win.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
02/03/11 3:26 pm | #2456
Quote by Ashley:
Quote by Detroit:
I was gonna go to class just a few minutes ago.
But my truck is stuck.... its ice underneath my tires, and my tires are old. Im waaaaaaaaay to lazy to break up the ice. Staying home for the win.
Haha I was going to go to class today too, but um...Dexter and XBox call my name.
lol yeah. Im gonna just read the material. Luckily the 2 classes I have, the teachers list everything we are doing in the syllabus. In my psychology we're having a quiz, but you can drop two quiz grades for any reason (win.), and in my Police Admin class, we're just talking
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
02/03/11 7:04 pm | #2458
Quote by Ashley:
So bing uses google? haha who doesn't?! bing= retards
lol. They use common algorithms.
I wonder if there is a way - and I am sure that there is - to use "obscure algorithms".
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
02/03/11 7:39 pm | #2459
Quote by Melissa Evol:
My brother is moving to GA at the end of the month. He's giving up a decent job that my dad got him, where he makes $12 an hour, to be a cashier at Publix, and make whatever they make- minimum wage? All he talks about is how he can't wait to get away from the bad drivers of California. That makes me laugh, because GA is full of TERRIBLE drivers! These people here are soooo bad, I can't even describe it without making a huge wall o' text, but because they're mostly black or white (rather than the Asians and Indians in Cali) he thinks that it'll be better.
I've driven in many many states, among many many races, and this area of Georgia is the worst I've ever lived in, so hopefully he doesn't come move in with us.
I lived in South Korea for a year and Saudi Arabia for 8 months. Driving in either of those two countries is an adventure itself. Arabics use the shoulder lane to drive in.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
02/03/11 8:35 pm | #2460
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Quote by Melissa Evol:
My brother is moving to GA at the end of the month. He's giving up a decent job that my dad got him, where he makes $12 an hour, to be a cashier at Publix, and make whatever they make- minimum wage? All he talks about is how he can't wait to get away from the bad drivers of California. That makes me laugh, because GA is full of TERRIBLE drivers! These people here are soooo bad, I can't even describe it without making a huge wall o' text, but because they're mostly black or white (rather than the Asians and Indians in Cali) he thinks that it'll be better.
I've driven in many many states, among many many races, and this area of Georgia is the worst I've ever lived in, so hopefully he doesn't come move in with us.
I lived in South Korea for a year and Saudi Arabia for 8 months. Driving in either of those two countries is an adventure itself.
Arabics use the shoulder lane to drive in.
So do I if I'm going fast enough and all other lanes are not an option...
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