Archived: Race to a billion V1.0
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Re: Race to a billion V1.0
04/01/12 8:06 pm | #436
26 hours on the clock.
Re: Race to a billion V1.0
04/03/12 11:31 am | #437
Time is up and we are on to the last participant. Bfish please give me your first 5 choices
Re: Race to a billion V1.0
04/03/12 4:39 pm | #438
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Race to a billion V1.0
04/04/12 3:08 pm | #439

While you hit +2 with #1, walk was behind #7. With that the first race has come to a close and PureEvil has won.
Here are the final standings:
1 - PureEvil - (x28 multiplier) 91,528,000 , 4 rounds, 63 Tiles
2 - Genius Redneck - (x21 multiplier) 43,102,000 , 4 rounds, 49 Tiles
3 - Safemachine - (x12multiplier) 26,125,000 , 4 rounds, 39 Tiles
4 - Mo the Surfer - (x12 multiplier) 19,692,000 , 4 rounds, 35 Tiles
5 - bluntedgrinch - (x17 multiplier) 18,815,000 , 4 rounds, 31 Tiles
6 - WyoChuck - (x7 multiplier) 6,079,000 , 4 rounds, 24 Tiles
7 - McDevlin - (x6 multiplier) 5,526,000 , 4 rounds, 15 Tiles
8 - Dvader - (x3 multiplier) 3,533,000 , 4 rounds, 32 Tiles
9 - PMS Green1Chaos (x13 multiplier) 3,004,000 , 4 rounds, 5 Tiles
10- bluntedfish (x5 multiplier) 1,212,000 , 4 rounds, 11 Tiles
11- Freedtheheart - (x4 multiplier) 806,000 , 4 rounds, 5 Tiles
I'll contact the top 3 via PM about how they want to receive their prize ( PM or Postal Mail ). Thank you all for joining this contest and making it so much fun to host.
Re: Race to a billion V1.0
04/05/12 12:32 am | #440
what a surprise, im pretty sure i got a walk every round.