Archived: Promise me you'll never let me go...
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Promise me you'll never let me go...
01/04/10 11:18 pm | #1
What game will you never ever give up without a fight.
Re: Promise me you'll never let me go...
01/04/10 11:34 pm | #4
oh my god.... THIS IS SPAM! 
just kidding lol. fallout 3.

just kidding lol. fallout 3.
Re: Promise me you'll never let me go...
01/04/10 11:36 pm | #5
borderlands >
that game is as addicting as licking weasels

Re: Promise me you'll never let me go...
01/04/10 11:37 pm | #6
hmm, I have to go with Lady Evol, any of my RPGs
Re: Re: Promise me you'll never let me go...
01/04/10 11:41 pm | #7
Quote by Difendimi:
that game is as addicting as licking weasels

licking weasels huh.... i'll have to try that
Re: Re: Re: Promise me you'll never let me go...
01/05/10 12:23 am | #8
Quote by Nick:
Quote by Difendimi:
that game is as addicting as licking weasels

licking weasels huh.... i'll have to try that
You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?!
Also, I'd have to say CoD4 because it's my favorite game of all time.
Also, CHRIS, you don't need to make a new thread every time you sign into XbA. Try posting in others!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Promise me you'll never let me go...
01/05/10 12:26 am | #9
Quote by AJ:
Quote by Nick:
licking weasels huh.... i'll have to try that
You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?!
Partner, I am ALWAYS thinking what you're thinking.... unless it pertains to me thinking about what you're thinking what i'm thinking ABOUT what you're thinking when someone mentions naked guys..... then i am most certainly not thinking what you're thinking.... not that that's wrong or anything.... I know you've got a GF. lol
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Promise me you'll never let me go...
01/05/10 12:29 am | #10
Quote by Nick:
Quote by AJ:
You thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?!
Partner, I am ALWAYS thinking what you're thinking.... unless it pertains to me thinking about what you're thinking what i'm thinking ABOUT what you're thinking when someone mentions naked guys..... then i am most certainly not thinking what you're thinking.... not that that's wrong or anything.... I know you've got a GF. lol
So what you're sayin' is, you're the gay one?!

I knew it, I had my hand on her ass that whole time! And you were lookin' at all the dudes we just killed.
Re: Promise me you'll never let me go...
01/05/10 12:32 am | #11 probably be fighting for my console before my games.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Promise me you'll never let me go...
01/05/10 12:36 am | #12
Quote by AJ:
Quote by Nick:
Partner, I am ALWAYS thinking what you're thinking.... unless it pertains to me thinking about what you're thinking what i'm thinking ABOUT what you're thinking when someone mentions naked guys..... then i am most certainly not thinking what you're thinking.... not that that's wrong or anything.... I know you've got a GF. lol
So what you're sayin' is, you're the gay one?!

I knew it, I had my hand on her ass that whole time! And you were lookin' at all the dudes we just killed.
i seriously just ROFLed
Re: Promise me you'll never let me go...
01/05/10 11:54 am | #13
Any GTA game..... Until a newer one comes out.
Re: Promise me you'll never let me go...
01/07/10 2:46 am | #14
You know, I never said what game I'd never give up. I'd say Bioshock, but.... it's permanently scratched. So, my second one would be Mass Effect. Then again Bioshock is boring, I'll just keep Mass Effect.
Re: Promise me you'll never let me go...
01/07/10 2:49 am | #15
Either my copy of Borderlands, or my Kingdom Hearts games on Ps2
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