I understand that MS is attempting to tap into the causal gamer market though. Still I don't intend on ever getting one myself.
Archived: Project NATAL = HUGE Money Maker for MS
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Re: Project NATAL = HUGE Money Maker for MS
06/24/10 3:15 am | #31
I've talked with some of my friends about it and we all seem to agree, that other than being able to navigate menus by voice and motion, there isn't anything else about it that appeals to us, and the cost just isn't worth it for that.
I understand that MS is attempting to tap into the causal gamer market though. Still I don't intend on ever getting one myself.
I understand that MS is attempting to tap into the causal gamer market though. Still I don't intend on ever getting one myself.
Re: Project NATAL = HUGE Money Maker for MS
06/24/10 3:18 am | #32
Same, although the navigating the menus with ur hands is way more work than just pushing on ur analog and pushing A lol. U have to move ur hands around til u line it up with the icon then hold ur hand there for like 5 seconds until it loads, if youve seen the E3 demo u kno what im talkin about...lame.
Re: Re: Project NATAL = HUGE Money Maker for MS
06/24/10 3:30 am | #33
Quote by Circus:
Same, although the navigating the menus with ur hands is way more work than just pushing on ur analog and pushing A lol. U have to move ur hands around til u line it up with the icon then hold ur hand there for like 5 seconds until it loads, if youve seen the E3 demo u kno what im talkin about...lame.
Very true...lol. I didn't really think about it too much while I was watching the keynote, as I kinda spaced out once they started up on all the Kinect stuff. But yeah, it's just a gimmick and MS is putting way too much stock into it and they're going to regret it I think.
Re: Project NATAL = HUGE Money Maker for MS
06/24/10 3:41 am | #35
Lmao! I didnt mean id dress as a clown, I was referencing the part in old school when that guy shows up at the dudes house dressed like that!
Re: Project NATAL = HUGE Money Maker for MS
06/24/10 3:44 am | #37
Lol just because my nicknames Circus doesnt mean I enjoy clowns or try and dress like them!! Itd b hard to have a girlfriend with a steady relationship if i did!

Re: Project NATAL = HUGE Money Maker for MS
06/24/10 3:50 am | #39

Re: Project NATAL = HUGE Money Maker for MS
07/14/10 11:42 pm | #40
An update on this is that Project Natal is now officially named Kinect. This is apparently and combination of kinetic and connect.
Maybe I am too hardcore for some of you supposed 'hardcore' gamers, but since when could 'hardcore' gamers not enjoy something such as Natal or Wii? To me, a hardcore gamer is someone who will play anything, regardless of console, graphics, or motion control. I enjoy bowling and yet do not always get a chance to get out and do it, Kinect is there for this, as well as other games. I am sure that none of ya'll have actually gotten out and have been able to use the Kinect since it has only been demoed at E3 and the Microsoft Store (of which there are two in the world, one where I live). It is actually pretty much. I can see me and my friends all getting together and doing some golfing or something.
I believe ya'lls definition of 'hardcore' gamer is those gamers that will only play the newest, fastest, best looking new games and consoles. Some of ya'll are the people that say that just because the NES, C64, Atari, PS1, etc. are old and the graphics are not that great, they will not be fun. I believe that once something is fun, it cannot be anything other than that. Maybe it might stop being fun for the individual, but the fact is is that it is still fun. On November 4th, I will be going to my local Microsoft Store and will be picking up my three boxes of Kinect. I will set them up, and I will have fun just like they are meant to be. After all, that's what us oldschool 'hardcore' gamers are here for, fun. Thank you.
Maybe I am too hardcore for some of you supposed 'hardcore' gamers, but since when could 'hardcore' gamers not enjoy something such as Natal or Wii? To me, a hardcore gamer is someone who will play anything, regardless of console, graphics, or motion control. I enjoy bowling and yet do not always get a chance to get out and do it, Kinect is there for this, as well as other games. I am sure that none of ya'll have actually gotten out and have been able to use the Kinect since it has only been demoed at E3 and the Microsoft Store (of which there are two in the world, one where I live). It is actually pretty much. I can see me and my friends all getting together and doing some golfing or something.
I believe ya'lls definition of 'hardcore' gamer is those gamers that will only play the newest, fastest, best looking new games and consoles. Some of ya'll are the people that say that just because the NES, C64, Atari, PS1, etc. are old and the graphics are not that great, they will not be fun. I believe that once something is fun, it cannot be anything other than that. Maybe it might stop being fun for the individual, but the fact is is that it is still fun. On November 4th, I will be going to my local Microsoft Store and will be picking up my three boxes of Kinect. I will set them up, and I will have fun just like they are meant to be. After all, that's what us oldschool 'hardcore' gamers are here for, fun. Thank you.
Re: Project NATAL = HUGE Money Maker for MS
07/15/10 12:05 am | #41
THIS JUST IN.. Natal was officially named Kinect a month ago!
Back to you, Jim.
Back to you, Jim.
Re: Project NATAL = HUGE Money Maker for MS
07/15/10 12:26 am | #43
On a different note have they ever said anything about the Kinect games having achievements? I don't remember ever seeing anything on it.
Re: Project NATAL = HUGE Money Maker for MS
07/15/10 1:15 am | #44
lol @ the 1 month old Kinect "news", whether u think its hardcore or not im definately stayin away from this crap for awhile.
@mike, havent heard anything about achievements for the games yet although u kno they are 99.9% likely to have them, whether its 200 like arcade, standard 1k, or somethin entirely different is unknown as of now.
@mike, havent heard anything about achievements for the games yet although u kno they are 99.9% likely to have them, whether its 200 like arcade, standard 1k, or somethin entirely different is unknown as of now.
Re: Project NATAL = HUGE Money Maker for MS
07/15/10 4:20 am | #45
Thank you to those that are possibly stating the obvious. I apparently skipped some pages when I was reviewing the posts. Right after I posted that I actually saw that people were calling it Kinect. I am posting this so those that would like to chime in on the obvious can instead take that useless comment and make a useful reply about what is written below. Thank you! =]
The thing is, everything in gaming has already been done. Has it not? Very few things are 'completely' new in gaming. For the most part, they are all remakes of what have already been done. The question is, will it be done well? I mean, saying that the Kinect will fail because Wii has already done it is like saying that the Xbox 360 would fail because Atari has already made a house hold gaming console.
Also, I play games for competition, friends, gamerscore, to pwn people, to have experiences, to relax. There are many more reasons that I play besides just to have fun. I am just saying that I am a gamer that loves everything games. Not just the greatest stuff ever. This by no means I am just a 'casual gamer'. It just means I am a true game enthusiast. ^_^ I am sure some of ya'll can relate.
The thing is, everything in gaming has already been done. Has it not? Very few things are 'completely' new in gaming. For the most part, they are all remakes of what have already been done. The question is, will it be done well? I mean, saying that the Kinect will fail because Wii has already done it is like saying that the Xbox 360 would fail because Atari has already made a house hold gaming console.
Also, I play games for competition, friends, gamerscore, to pwn people, to have experiences, to relax. There are many more reasons that I play besides just to have fun. I am just saying that I am a gamer that loves everything games. Not just the greatest stuff ever. This by no means I am just a 'casual gamer'. It just means I am a true game enthusiast. ^_^ I am sure some of ya'll can relate.