Titles include:
Army of Two, Banjo-Kazooie, Battlefield 2, Bad Company, Burnout Paradise,
Fight Night Round 3, Fable II, Fallout 3, Forza 2, Gears of War,
Gears of War 2, Halo 3, Lego Star Wars The Complete Saga, Mass Effect,
Sonic Unleashed & Viva Pinata.
This is on the Spotlight Blade.
Online titles include:
Res Evil 5, Halo Wars, GTA IV, Street Fighter IV, Assassin's Creed,
Rainbow Six Vegas 2, The Orange Box, The Elders Scrolls IV Oblivion GOTY,
Bioshock & Mortal Kombat.
This is on the web site. They range from $19.99 - 39.99