Archived: people who gamesave
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
Re: people who gamesave
05/27/08 10:04 am | #16
i just hate cheaters, im gonna send u a picture of my setup later.....if i can get my score legit, so can everyone else, i have alot of hrs on this xbox, i play about 12 hours a day, i own 3 systems, and have over 75 games, i never even posted nothing on this sight, i just wanted to look when i saw the game savers area, i wish xbox would reset all there scores, and i still never got my 125 points that glitched on timeshift last week, they owe me and about 50 others there points....and like i said b4 im always down to help people, just dont cheat, and if i still had smackdown 07 i would help u boost those online achievements.....peace, and sorry if i got u made
Re: people who gamesave
05/27/08 10:05 am | #17
Re: people who gamesave
05/27/08 10:06 am | #18
Quote by ImDa LiZaRdKiNg:
i just hate cheaters, im gonna send u a picture of my setup later.....if i can get my score legit, so can everyone else, i have alot of hrs on this xbox, i play about 12 hours a day, i own 3 systems, and have over 75 games, i never even posted nothing on this sight, i just wanted to look when i saw the game savers area, i wish xbox would reset all there scores, and i still never got my 125 points that glitched on timeshift last week, they owe me and about 50 others there points....and like i said b4 im always down to help people, just dont cheat, and if i still had smackdown 07 i would help u boost those online achievements.....peace, and sorry if i got u made
peace bro thats the way we do it around here, post more often... we dont bite.
Re: people who gamesave
05/27/08 11:12 am | #19
and dont use bad words 
we even changed the name whore to waffle, lol

we even changed the name whore to waffle, lol
Re: people who gamesave
05/27/08 12:36 pm | #21
na, nothing set me off, my info is there 4 everyone too see,, i just dont like be questioned when its not my fault the web/sites arent up 2 date....
Re: people who gamesave
05/27/08 1:42 pm | #22
Quote by ImDa LiZaRdKiNg:
Do you consider yourself 100% legit if you have people help you get achievements? (example let you win X ammount of games, get X ammount of kills,etc) At the very least it goes againist the spirit of the game. I don't have a problem with boosting (I do it some times), but I don't go around saying i'm 100% legit either. Gamesavers suck and they ruined EARNING achievements for me. So drop the 100% and just say "legit" and i'm cool with that because i'm legit too

Re: people who gamesave
05/27/08 3:05 pm | #23
Quote by kiddcartel:
and dont use bad words 
we even changed the name whore to waffle, lol

we even changed the name whore to waffle, lol
Waffle? XD Why not french toast..
Re: people who gamesave
05/27/08 3:07 pm | #24
I'm off of here for a few days and look at all the fun I missed.
Re: people who gamesave
05/27/08 3:48 pm | #26
Quote by Crustyhippy:
Waffle? XD Why not french toast..
hell if i know, ask Raine, lol
it's her idea, lol
Re: people who gamesave
05/27/08 5:13 pm | #27
Quote by xCRA1Gx:
hope i see 1 of you "FAKE" GAMERS ONLINE

so you can bi**h and moan some more?
dude, just calm down
Re: people who gamesave
05/27/08 9:33 pm | #28
Quote by xCRA1Gx:

your a pretty nasty carebear aren't you? we need some riddlin!
Re: people who gamesave
05/28/08 2:04 am | #29
Quote by TK Chillin:
I'm off of here for a few days and look at all the fun I missed.
Man I was thinking the same thing!!! lol
Re: people who gamesave
05/28/08 2:12 am | #30
Quote by xCRA1Gx:

Old boy wants to get gullied with that talk.
I'll see you on cod4 and R6V2....NOT!
When you post to show people how cool you are be prepared to find out the truth (you are a hardcore "King of Kong" D bag)...and i'm done