Archived: PAX East 2011
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Re: PAX East 2011
03/09/11 4:41 pm | #5
Booth events:
Cliff Bleszinski signing Saturday, March 12, 2 – 3 PM ET, Xbox core booth #836
Meet the “Gears of War” design director during this exclusive signing appearance
Make sure he signs something to ZYKER!
I have always wanted to go to PAX, have a great time and can't wait to see the pics.
Cliff Bleszinski signing Saturday, March 12, 2 – 3 PM ET, Xbox core booth #836
Meet the “Gears of War” design director during this exclusive signing appearance
Make sure he signs something to ZYKER!
I have always wanted to go to PAX, have a great time and can't wait to see the pics.
Re: PAX East 2011
03/09/11 4:55 pm | #6
Man I would totally go if I could. Have tons of fun man, and be sure to let us know what you think of stuff!
3DS! Gears 3! Gabe's ego!
3DS! Gears 3! Gabe's ego!
Re: PAX East 2011
03/11/11 2:51 pm | #7
Do tickets for PAX east go on sale to the general public? How about all these events for that matter. I would love to go to PAX or SXSW.
Re: PAX East 2011
03/11/11 2:52 pm | #8
Hmm, I would. I don't live too far away from Boston, only like 20 mins away. But then again I don't got a ticket.
Re: PAX East 2011
03/11/11 3:34 pm | #10
I wouldn't be able to go this year, but perhaps I can plan better and do it real big next year. The photos and everything make it look like a great time. It would be even better if they sold "Adult Beverages" at the events.
Re: Re: Re: PAX East 2011
03/11/11 7:15 pm | #12
Quote by Silentbobsclone:
Quote by xZYKERx:
I wouldn't be able to go this year, but perhaps I can plan better and do it real big next year. The photos and everything make it look like a great time. It would be even better if they sold "Adult Beverages" at the events.
You can bring in bags / backpacks. Seen quite a few flasks people have brought in, just have to be discrete. So far it's been great, Gears 3 and the new Mortal Kombat were fun, and I was shocked how well the 3DS worked in person. Got tons of free stuff and won a little WWE All Stars Tournament too. Went to major nelsons breakfast tweetup to meet the crew and even ran into some of the G4/Xplay people.
Thia would be awesome to be able to attend. Sounds like you're having a blast.
Dude, if you get an extra Cole plushie avatar code you don't want, think of me.

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