Paladins closed beta signups

The free-to-play, team-based character shooter Paladins: Champions of the Realm is coming to consoles. You can try the game early and help improve it by participating in the beta.
Signups are here:
Paladins is a team-based shooter with deep strategy elements and in-match character progression through decks of collectible cards. These cards amplify and augment a character’s core set of abilities in many interesting ways. Paladins will be free-to-play and is currently in closed beta testing.
From day 1 of development, Paladins was designed with console in mind. We’ve enlisted some big-name console gamers to make sure the control scheme feels just right. Name any big-time multiplayer shooter that you enjoy most on console and Paladins stands right there alongside them. Except Paladins will continue to be FREE on console, just like it is on PC and Mac!