Quote by TehLoooveMuffin:
Why must everything always turn into a giant fight.
Seriously though, if you dont have something nice to say dont say it at all, and if it really must be said, send it in a PM, thats what they are for.
Anyways dude, congrats on the one year and the baby.
cause laguna somehow always finds something..you can look at it, and you may think nothings there..but he has some sort of 1337 hax that lets him find something wrong with it..so he mentions it, and the guy strikes back, and then it goes back and forth..im guessing its the laguna way of life? idk, youd have to ask raine...she would prolly know
congrats on the family
take the "who can find the others mistakes and bagel about it all day" to PMs...its why they are there