so today is a vary speacial day in my life today one year ago i got married to wife shannon shes is a wonderful girl and man are we fast at getting things done like i put out in my introduce your self post we have had our first baby and a boy is what he is my little gamer in training lol he's 2months old shes 21 and i am 23 so life for me is going great sep for one thing though im still in the navy but as of next march i wont be any more not saying it a bad thing to to be in but its not the life for me but anyways back to better things so one year ago we woke up and say hay lets go to vegas and get married and there you go one of the shortest trips to vegas that i have evered made and went like this wake up drive there get in town get married drive back home go to bed and wake back up the next day for work and man was my chief pissed come to find out if you have a top secret clearence you got to ask first to get married (another reasion why im getting out of the navy stupid shit like that so many rules on the stupidest thing ok its my life so fuck off) well with the comand that i work for all cool with it i was good to go and since that day life couldnt get any sweeter boy was i wrong cause the day my son was born now that was a great day in the life of an everyday husband and wife

well no more about me time for the rest of this world to move on like it always dose till we meet again via XBOXLIVE or on here may your day be well and that your life be better
peace out and later days
spazmatic 0ne