Closed: ok so football season is done baseball season is right saround the corner
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ok so football season is done baseball season is right saround the corner
02/07/11 8:04 pm | #1
so who is your guys picks to win the world series this year? I think tampa is goin tbe pretty tough to beat this year even tho im a die hard yankee fan
Re: ok so football season is done baseball season is right saround the corner
02/07/11 8:05 pm | #2
Really man? Delete this.
Re: ok so football season is done baseball season is right saround the corner
02/07/11 8:07 pm | #3
lmfao I knew this would piss you off
Re: Re: ok so football season is done baseball season is right saround the corner
02/07/11 8:11 pm | #4
I'd opt for a Cleveland Indians thread.

Re: ok so football season is done baseball season is right saround the corner
02/07/11 8:12 pm | #5
lol mike thought you were a red SUCKS fan? maybe I just figured that seeing how you are from Massachusetts
Re: Re: ok so football season is done baseball season is right saround the corner
02/07/11 8:14 pm | #6
Quote by lll PAPOOSE lll:
lol mike thought you were a red SUCKS fan? maybe I just figured that seeing how you are from Massachusetts
I don't follow baseball that much, as I find it to be quite boring. But seeing that the Sox got Carl Crawford and Adrian Gonzalez this off-season, they ain't looking too bad, at least compared to the Yankees.
Re: ok so football season is done baseball season is right saround the corner
02/07/11 8:17 pm | #7
haha true yankees just pick up useless out datedp players instead of working on what they need like starting pitchers and relievers glad we had 1 starter that won't let us done C.C Sabathia
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