Archived: Odd Gamerscores
Posted Under: 360 Talk
Odd Gamerscores
12/09/09 7:22 pm | #1
O.k. guys I have noticed quite a few people with odd gamerscores on this site. Odd gamerscore to me is determined by a gamerscore that doesn't end in a multiple of 5 since most achievments are in multiples of 5. O.k. so with that said what do guys think of odd gamerscore are you o.k with it? does it drive you crazy?I(it does me) and also feel free to help people out that are trying to get back to even, or are trying to stay away from those games. A few examples are luxor 2, viking, dj hero, etc.
Re: Odd Gamerscores
12/09/09 7:24 pm | #2
Forza 2, but i like having an odd GS. it makes for a cooler GS like 33333~!~~~~~!
Re: Odd Gamerscores
12/09/09 7:26 pm | #3
Re: Odd Gamerscores
12/09/09 7:27 pm | #4
I hate it I like hitting the big ones on the dot like 50,000;75,000,and soon 100,000.
Re: Odd Gamerscores
12/09/09 7:29 pm | #5
My bad I hadn't joined by that time to see that didn't mean to step on your toes or anything.
Re: Odd Gamerscores
12/09/09 7:29 pm | #6
LOL just kidding man.
that thread's over a year old!
that thread's over a year old!
Re: Odd Gamerscores
12/09/09 7:34 pm | #7
I've only had an odd gamerscore on 2 occasions. It was on my way to 1000 on Viking and then again on my way to 1000 in the Orange Box.
GRAW is another game with odd scored achievements.
GRAW is another game with odd scored achievements.
Re: Odd Gamerscores
12/09/09 7:35 pm | #8
I know Ive run into some odd gamerscore, (GRAW and Viking) but it all evened it self out in the end.
Re: Odd Gamerscores
12/09/09 7:39 pm | #9
I haven't played it yet but I noticed the Watchmen game has some funky achievements with a bunch of 8, 11 and four 36 point chievies.
Re: Re: Odd Gamerscores
12/09/09 7:59 pm | #11
Quote by SeanTM22:
Forza 2, but i like having an odd GS. it makes for a cooler GS like 33333~!~~~~~!
Yeah forza 2 is what fucked me over. I had fought hard to finally get the score back to even and one day sitting in the auction house I bought a car and a 1 point achievement popped up.
Re: Odd Gamerscores
12/09/09 8:50 pm | #12
Yeah it bugs me..damn dj hero lol
Re: Odd Gamerscores
12/09/09 9:03 pm | #13
I have yet to get the fifty hour playing achievement on FIFA 09 (I'm a few hours off) which is worth 1 pt, and another was worth x4 points, so I'm sitting on either a 4 or a 9 ending digit until I get it. Sort of obnoxious
Re: Odd Gamerscores
12/09/09 11:38 pm | #14
Civ Rev has a bunch of 3s and 9s. I'm at a point where they're even though.