Archived: 'nother new dude
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
'nother new dude
06/01/08 2:54 pm | #1
Hey. I'm Mike, I'm the one that BlakZombieTaco referenced in his post about showing him the leaderboards. I'll try to post some but I ain't on the computer all too much. Quick questions, does anyone have gameznflix? Or are there any others out there that are under $10 a month?
Re: 'nother new dude
06/01/08 4:03 pm | #3
Yeah Rain is our XBA troll around here. We feed her the occasional noob that drifts in here with stupid random posts. Than willingly she leaves for her hidey hole again...
It's good to have you here man. You'll enjoy it here!

It's good to have you here man. You'll enjoy it here!
Re: 'nother new dude
06/01/08 4:12 pm | #4
Re: 'nother new dude
06/01/08 4:12 pm | #5
Hi there and welcome. Pay no attention to our resident waffles (like me) and enjoy the magic

Re: 'nother new dude
06/01/08 4:27 pm | #6
Welcome to XBA
Re: 'nother new dude
06/01/08 4:29 pm | #7
Hail Mike! Welcome to XBA.
I heard the same stuff Raine did about gameznflix. That's an odd name to type.
I heard the same stuff Raine did about gameznflix. That's an odd name to type.
Re: 'nother new dude
06/01/08 7:34 pm | #9
Hai mike! you finally posted!
Re: 'nother new dude
06/01/08 7:41 pm | #10
Welcome Mike! I had gameznflix for about 6 months and it was a waste of money. Unless your looking to boost your GS with old titles, dont waste your time. I had a new release on my gameQ (the list you put the games you want sent to you) that at the top for 6 months and never recieved it. There would be times if I had 10 newly released games on my list they wouldnt send any games until I put some old ass game that nobody wants to play on the list.
I have had gamefly for the last 3-4 months and they are great. I think their 1 game out price is around 16 a month. Games come fairly quick and I get new releases when I want them.
So in conclusion, AVOID gameznflix at all cost, and welcome to the boards!
I have had gamefly for the last 3-4 months and they are great. I think their 1 game out price is around 16 a month. Games come fairly quick and I get new releases when I want them.
So in conclusion, AVOID gameznflix at all cost, and welcome to the boards!
Re: 'nother new dude
06/01/08 7:49 pm | #11
yeah i have gamefly also and paid for the two out at a time...about to send my other one in and i should get my next game no later than the end of this week.
Screw gameznflix and use gamefly
Screw gameznflix and use gamefly
Re: 'nother new dude
06/02/08 9:43 am | #12
Welcome to Xba
Re: 'nother new dude
06/02/08 9:59 am | #13
Welcome to Xbox America!
Re: 'nother new dude
06/02/08 4:35 pm | #14
Thanks. Seems like gameznflix is pretty much a piece of crap. I didn't want to pay 200 bucks a year for Gamefly, I had it before but had to cancel. I think I'll try the gameznflix free trial to see how bad they are.