Archived: No More Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 DLC
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No More Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 DLC
03/04/10 8:12 am | #1
Does any one play Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2? Does any one plan on playing it and getting the DLC for it? Well, as you can tell from the title there is no DLC for it at all! I was planning on playing co-op with my brother on MUA2, but before we started I wanted to download the juggernaut character. So i went to the marketplace via, and could not find the game in the marketplace. After searching around the net, I came across this;-DLC-No-Longer-Available.html . I find this very hard to believe! What do you guys think?
Re: No More Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 DLC
03/04/10 8:15 am | #2
Wow, that is...just a little rediculous. In the words of Dave Chappell "Activision has been fuckin' up!" I rented MUA2 when it first came out; not a terrible came, but didn't really offer anything different from the first release, aside from less characters if I'm not mistaken. No where did I ever read that the DLC with additional achievements would be limited time.
I mean, I could see the Juggernaut, but not a DLC with achievements tied to it. There's another game I will never fully complete on my Gamercard. Damn, this week Activision is even making EA look good!
I mean, I could see the Juggernaut, but not a DLC with achievements tied to it. There's another game I will never fully complete on my Gamercard. Damn, this week Activision is even making EA look good!
Re: No More Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 DLC
03/04/10 11:14 am | #4
They didn't pull it because of sales numbers. Activisions rights to distribute digital properties based on Marvel copyright characters expired and all the DLC disapeared a few months ago. MUA1 DLC vanished too. The only consolation is if you happened to download it before it vanished you can still redownload it now. Otherwise the extra points can never be gotten.
Re: No More Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 DLC
03/04/10 11:19 am | #5
Wow - my small desire to pick this game up has diminished even further. I wasn't really big into picking up this game, but achievements always entice me. Not any more

Re: No More Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 DLC
03/04/10 11:23 am | #6
yup this is actually now a game I will not pick up just because I will never be able to complete it.
Re: No More Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 DLC
03/04/10 12:42 pm | #7
The Game was garbage anyways, I didnt expect anything to be added because its one of those games you trade in as soon as possible for something worth a shit.
Re: No More Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 DLC
03/04/10 3:41 pm | #8
sadly the completionist in me will cry for this game but im still gonna get it. I was gonna wait for the gold edition like they did with MUA1, i'll kep waiting until MUA2 is a steal or $30.00(maybe). But yeah it's not only the DLC but everything, signed on xbox live one day gonna get. They even took the videos, what's up with that. Yet i still blame disney.
Re: No More Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 DLC
03/04/10 4:02 pm | #9
I never cared for Marvel Ultimate Alliance. I never even cared for DLC, so I'm pretty unaffected by all of this.
Re: No More Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 DLC
03/05/10 12:12 am | #10
yea this happened a few weeks ago. activision sucks haha im pretty sure everyone hates them
Re: No More Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 DLC
03/06/10 11:01 am | #11
Just wait till the gold edition comes out and it will have everything in it , just another way for them to get our money !
Re: No More Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 DLC
03/06/10 1:05 pm | #12
Yeah I heard about this a month or so ago, they actually cut out both the DLC for 1 and 2 if im correct at the beginning of the year.. and I bought Ultimate Alliance 1 sometime in january so now im stuck.. 
In contrast you could magically find a gold edition of each which comes with the DLC and ive checked ebay/amazon and most people now know what its worth and are trying to definitely overcharge people who want it. It would be best advice imho to search game stores such as gamestop and ask them if they have the gold editions

In contrast you could magically find a gold edition of each which comes with the DLC and ive checked ebay/amazon and most people now know what its worth and are trying to definitely overcharge people who want it. It would be best advice imho to search game stores such as gamestop and ask them if they have the gold editions
Re: No More Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 DLC
03/06/10 5:37 pm | #13
Argh, I was actually going to go back and get the DLC at some point and try to 1k the game.
I really wanted to play as Psylocke and Carnage. Now I'll grab the gold edition ASAP if I can find it for a decent price.
I really wanted to play as Psylocke and Carnage. Now I'll grab the gold edition ASAP if I can find it for a decent price.
Re: No More Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 DLC
03/06/10 8:40 pm | #14
or gamestop online. But I really do make a gold edition, they could even charge it as a reduced new game, like the force unleashed.
srry no gold edition, and srry if i messed up your msg, on my phone
Quote by Meta:
Now I'll grab the gold edition ASAP
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