Nier, an Action Role Playing game that boasts a world that has many mysteries concerning, the land, the people, and the protagonist. The game boasts an awesome story, soundtrack, and many other features that will make any RPG fan remember what an RPG is supposed to be.
You play the role of the Father (whom can take any name you give him) who is on a mission to protect his daughter, Yonah, whom has contracted a deadly disease known as the black scrawl. The Father helps the village where his daughter and he both reside at. Whether it be slaying monsters or fetching a certain item, he is the man to ask for help. Everything seems to be okay, until he has to complete a mission in the Lost Shrine. He encounters a book known as Grimoire Weiss. The book comes to life and accompanies the Father, to help find a cure for the Black Scrawl Disease. This is where things start to go wrong, and you begin a journey that is breath taking.

(Kaine and The Father)
You encounter an environment that is highly detailed, and the characters are also the same. You never run into something looks misplaced or out of line from the meaning of the game. Everything seems to have been placed for a reason and everything ties together. The weapons you use in battle, to the spells used to demolish your enemies known as the Shades. Everything is right. You encounter 3 main characters that will join you in your journey. They are known as Kaine' who is a hot headed lingerie wearing possessed human and Emil, who is a boy turned into a project (you will know what I mean once you play.) However the NPCs you run into on your journey are fun to learn about and really give themselves to the story. From the sheep you slay, to the powerful bosses you encounter, everything looks awesome!

(The Main Characters, The Father, Emil, and Kaine' in battle)
The soundtrack on the game is awesome! I cannot express how well it is done, and how it really intensifies the experience with the story. You never think the music gets old and you cannot wait to hear the other tracks. The voice overs are also done very well, and the voices fit each character well. The sounds of the Shades are also awesome, as they sound like you would imagine if you just looked at them with no sound. Everything was well thought out, and I would even recommend picking up the Soundtrack.

(Kaine' Showing the Big Evil Shade how to wear sexy clothing)
The controls are also done very well. Nothing ever seems to get in the way, and are easily customized to your liking. You can adjust whatever Sacred Verses you would like to use to the Triggers/Bumpers and or change how your camera moves around. Everything is simple. Navigating through weapons and Items via the D-Pad also make things a lot simpler than most titles, and they do not get in the way. Not once have I hit a wrong button or ended up doing something i didn't want to do during my action sequences. The only thing I am having a hard time doing, is the fishing portion of the game.

(This is how you catch the big one)
Replay Value is a big time high in this game. In order to get the full value of this game, you have to play it 4 times to encounter the complete story of NIER. Now to most, this may sound like a drag, as I myself first thought. However, I am already starting my 3rd playthrough of the game and am still experiencing new aspects to the game that answer many questions that were left from the first playthrough. Trust me once you begin playing, you will have a very difficult time putting it down!

(The father trying to protect the village from this huge nasty shade)
Achievement wise the game is very well balanced. You have certain collectibles (which work themselves out during the multiple playthroughs) One speed achievement for finishing under 15 hours, and a handful of other speed achieves for beating bosses in a certain time (easily done on first and second playthrough) Finishing the game for each ending (4 playthroughs total) however I will say this, the game WILL DELETE YOUR SAVE DATA on the 4th playthrough, so you have to back it up via memory card! There is also a bunch of story line achieves that you also unlock during your quest on your first playthrough. Overall, awesome list of achievements!
Overall, this game is awesome, and I highly recommend it to everyone! It is easily in my book an early contender for game of the year or AT LEAST RPG of the year, as it is that good (yes, better than FF13.)
I rate the game with the following
Graphics: 9.0
Sound: 10.0
Controls: 9.5
Replay Value: 9.5
Achievements: 9.5
Overall: 9.5
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