Archived: New to xbox america
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
Re: New to xbox america
10/10/10 11:53 pm | #16
Hell yeah Meta! I can't wait to play fable 3. I guarantee I won't be eating or sleeping for at least 48 hours after it is released, I will have my eyes glued to that screen and my hands glued to that controller.
Re: New to xbox america
10/11/10 12:04 am | #17
Welcome to XBA. Oblivion is STILL my favorite game.
Re: New to xbox america
10/11/10 12:22 am | #18
Oblivion is pretty kick ass. There is so much to do in that game, as opposed to Fable 2. You can go through fable 2 and all of the missions so much faster than Oblivion. My fiance and i enjoyed oblivion so much we went out and bought morrowind a few days later.
Re: New to xbox america
10/11/10 12:55 am | #19
Welcome to the site Countess! I myself am a huge Fable fan and cannot wait for Fable 3 to hit shelves....I plan on playing that for a few days strait...or at least as long as I can keep my eyes open, haha
Re: New to xbox america
10/11/10 1:17 am | #20
Same here. I might even skip a few of my college courses to play it. >.> If my fiance will let me that is. lol.
Re: New to xbox america
10/11/10 1:43 am | #21
Right now I am unemployed, I'm training trying to lose weight so I can join the army. But when I was working I remember I called in sick for 2 days whenever Mass Effect 2 came out.
If I still had that job I would mos def do the same thing for Fable 3
If I still had that job I would mos def do the same thing for Fable 3
Re: New to xbox america
10/11/10 1:47 am | #22
Welcome aboard.
Re: New to xbox america
10/11/10 1:53 am | #23
@ikidd SICK DAYS FTW!!! I know i've done it for various movies and midnight releases for books.
@everyone! thanks for the welcomes! you guys are so awesome.
@everyone! thanks for the welcomes! you guys are so awesome.
Re: New to xbox america
10/11/10 2:15 am | #24
bwaaaaaaa too much information to read!!!! oooooooh fable 3 mmmmmmm corruptable kingdoms
Re: New to xbox america
10/11/10 2:20 am | #25
nope. BS akashka! you know nothing!!! lol.
Re: New to xbox america
10/11/10 3:24 am | #26
Welcome to the community. Great to have you join us.
Re: New to xbox america
10/11/10 8:39 am | #28
Welcome aboard!!!
Re: New to xbox america
10/11/10 10:09 am | #29
welcome to the site man!!! yyyyyoooo hoooo!!!!