Archived: new reply every 30 seconds.
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new reply every 30 seconds.
09/02/07 9:00 am | #1
Now I ask this question before but never got an answer: How come there is a 30 second delay between posting on this site? I don't remember ever having to wait before getting to the next post. what gives??
Re: new reply every 30 seconds.
09/02/07 9:09 am | #2
It's always been like that. It's to prevent spam from what I know.
Re: new reply every 30 seconds.
09/02/07 10:16 am | #3
yeah, they do that on other websites. I've even been on a website where if you try to post too much too soon you get a message from the admin saying if you spam you are going to get booted
Re: new reply every 30 seconds.
09/02/07 10:26 am | #4
I just changed it to 20 seconds so you don't have to wait around as long.
Re: new reply every 30 seconds.
09/02/07 10:36 am | #5
whoo twenty seconds.
Re: new reply every 30 seconds.
09/02/07 10:44 am | #6
House, I see you got a gold membership again!
Re: new reply every 30 seconds.
09/02/07 10:47 am | #7
yay 20 secs thanks pasta
Re: new reply every 30 seconds.
09/02/07 10:51 am | #8
Quote by meg a destr0yer:
House, I see you got a gold membership again!
I've had it for a few days now. XD
Re: new reply every 30 seconds.
09/02/07 1:33 pm | #9
Quote by Pastafarianism:
I just changed it to 20 seconds so you don't have to wait around as long.
Thanks man i just didn't realize it was there. Sometimes I post so fast i lose track when I'm distracted but the kid lol
Re: new reply every 30 seconds.
09/02/07 3:56 pm | #10
20 seconds
*runs away*
20 seconds
*runs away*
Re: new reply every 30 seconds.
09/02/07 4:56 pm | #11
Quote by Hockeypuck55:
20 seconds
*runs away*
20 seconds
*runs away*
haha that reminded me of napoleian dynamite were he just dances and runs off the stage
Re: new reply every 30 seconds.
09/07/07 8:37 pm | #12
i havnt even payed attention to the 20 or 30 seconds
Re: new reply every 30 seconds.
09/07/07 9:12 pm | #13
woot 20 seconds. {does a football spike and has 20 seconds of gloating}.
Re: new reply every 30 seconds.
09/07/07 9:19 pm | #14
Quote by Detreth:
woot 20 seconds. {does a football spike and has 20 seconds of gloating}.
Re: new reply every 30 seconds.
09/07/07 10:15 pm | #15
yea i thought itd be funny
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