Closed: New Moderation Policy
Posted Under: Site News & Updates
Re: New Moderation Policy
01/05/10 12:15 am | #17
I was under the impression that Jackson encourages us to discuss his new ideas and give ideas on how to improve them.
If we are giving ideas to improve this topic, why not have them here, and not in a whole separate thread?
If we are giving ideas to improve this topic, why not have them here, and not in a whole separate thread?
Re: Re: New Moderation Policy
01/05/10 12:31 am | #19
Quote by Aaron:
So let me get this straight, i could say whatever i want in shoutboxes? hmmm....
Quote by Golden138:
Shouts won't be moderated.. However, if it gets nasty, then I am sure Jackson will step in. Still though, everyone must live up to the COC and TOS.
You can test it if you feel the need I guess.

Re: New Moderation Policy
01/05/10 12:48 am | #21
WOW What the fuck is going on ???
Re: Re: New Moderation Policy
01/05/10 12:50 am | #23
Quote by Golden138:
Children..Need I say more spider?
I spose not

Quote by Detroit SniperX:
not gunna lie. I giggled but I didn't think that I needed to make a new post just to put "I giggled" so i put it here
VVV 2 posts down VVV
Re: New Moderation Policy
01/05/10 12:54 am | #24

Re: New Moderation Policy
01/05/10 12:57 am | #25
this is how feel....

Re: New Moderation Policy
01/05/10 1:09 am | #27
Well this "child" has got some sleep to get to. It's been lovely watching these mods act like everything BUT mods.
Goodnight XBA. Tomorrow will be interesting
Goodnight XBA. Tomorrow will be interesting
Re: New Moderation Policy
01/05/10 1:17 am | #28
I don't know what you guys are talking about. TD has done an outstanding job... Maybe not in your eyes but look what he did for the site. Trade in Center, Waffle Order, and Tourney's with ACTUAL prizes... Now that's all gone.
But I'm going to bed too, not looking forward to tomorrow here.
But I'm going to bed too, not looking forward to tomorrow here.
Re: Re: New Moderation Policy
01/05/10 1:25 am | #30
Quote by AJ:
I don't know what you guys are talking about. TD has done an outstanding job... Maybe not in your eyes but look what he did for the site. Trade in Center, Waffle Order, and Tourney's with ACTUAL prizes... Now that's all gone.
Top Dogs is an EXCELLENT mod. i've been a member on a few sites, and a mod on one of them. being a mod is a fucking hard job. you have to make everyone happy and yet stay fair. you have to openly accept hatemail, and try to make friends out of people with whom you would normally disagree with.
i think alot of the people who give top dogs a hard time are either
a. power hungry or
b. too stupid to realize he cant make the site exactly how one person wants it.
i for one hope top dogs comes back. because otherwise we're all going to be hard pressed to find a mod as good as he is