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* Mothership Zeta...... The aliens have returned, and they're pissed. Experience an alien abduction first hand and find out if you're tough enough to survive.
Point Lookout will be available in late June for Xbox 360 and PC. Cost will be 800 points or $9.99. It will be available through Xbox Live and Games for Windows Live and through token cards available at retail. Point Lookout will be available on PS3 after the first three DLCs have been released.
Mothership Zeta is scheduled for release in late July for Xbox 360 and PC. Cost will be 800 points or $9.99. It will be available through Xbox Live and Games for Windows Live and through token cards available at retail. Mothership Zeta will be available on PS3 after Point Lookout.
Finally, new Fallout 3 products will be available at retail this year.
keep 'em comin' bethesda. keep em' comin'

that's all i have to say.
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i know a few people here are still thinking about getting fallout 3 but haven't yet (yeah, i'm talking about you, shock!) so keep that in mind. it would be a swell christmas gift if you can wait that long.