Archived: Need TV Help ASAP
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Need TV Help ASAP
05/20/10 7:29 am | #1
Alright so i turn on my tv this morning and im getting no picture its just blacked out and every 5ish seconds its going CLICK(kinda like a mix of pop and click sound actually)...tryed resetting the TV, unpluggin HDMI cables etc, nothings working. It was fine yesterday before i went to sleep and now just wont work, anybody kno what could be causing this? If its dead dead anyone know of anywhere having good deals on HDTVs right now? Mines a 26" RCA HD LCDTV i believe or somethin
Re: Need TV Help ASAP
05/20/10 11:26 am | #2
Re: Need TV Help ASAP
05/20/10 12:04 pm | #3
Power supply problem. That's going to be an expensive fix

Re: Re: Need TV Help ASAP
05/20/10 12:18 pm | #4
Quote by AJ:
Power supply problem. That's going to be an expensive fix 

Its cheaper than buying new shit, it has to be a power supply problem the way he told me.
Circus tell me how many things you have hooked up I can prob get u a deal on a surge protector
Re: Need TV Help ASAP
05/20/10 2:08 pm | #5
A surge protector has nothing to do with the internal power supply on the TV. The power supply is the thing that clicks every time you turn your tv on and off, they wear out, it doesn't matter how many things are connected to the tv itself. The only load the tv produces when it turns on is it trying to fire itself up; it doesn't matter if other stuff is hooked up or whether the things are connected are on or off.
Re: Need TV Help ASAP
05/20/10 2:30 pm | #6
yea, got my TV to work again anyways, unplugged the power supply out of the back of the TV, let it sit for 10-20 minutes and plugged it back in nice and snug and now its working fine. no idea wtf was up with it tho
Re: Need TV Help ASAP
05/20/10 2:41 pm | #7
Another reason not to buy low quality HDTV's
RCA is probably the worst brand of televisions out there. IMO
RCA is probably the worst brand of televisions out there. IMO
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