Archived: NBA 2K9 Beat a Team 2K
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NBA 2K9 Beat a Team 2K
06/29/10 1:10 am | #1
I need the Beat a Team 2K member achievements for NBA 2K9 is some has and can help that would be awesome. The servers are being shutdown on July 1st.
Re: NBA 2K9 Beat a Team 2K
06/29/10 1:21 am | #2
Hey I don't have the achievement to help but how do you know the servers are closing?
I find myself wanting to get the game if servers are closing soon.
I find myself wanting to get the game if servers are closing soon.
Re: NBA 2K9 Beat a Team 2K
06/29/10 1:43 am | #3
Just google searched "Nba 2k9 servers closing", the only things that came up was when the servers were slow when the game released. I even searched "servers closing" in the Nba 2k9 offical thread. The only threads I could find were from '08. So, I don't know if he mixing up 2k8 and 2k9, but it doesn't look like the 2k9 servers are being shut down soon.
Re: NBA 2K9 Beat a Team 2K
06/29/10 1:55 am | #4
If you play the game and go to the xbox live section in the game there is a countdown. Which ends on july 1st
Re: NBA 2K9 Beat a Team 2K
06/29/10 2:22 am | #5
Yuck, well thanks for the heads up, I'm picking up the game tomorrow then. I'll look for people who have the achievement and let you know if I find anyone. Hopefully you can let me know if you get it

Re: Re: NBA 2K9 Beat a Team 2K
06/29/10 2:46 am | #6
Quote by FA Q MAN:
If you play the game and go to the xbox live section in the game there is a countdown. Which ends on july 1st
Oh... Well good luck trying to get the achievement then!
Re: NBA 2K9 Beat a Team 2K
06/29/10 5:08 am | #8
I looked it up. Buried on the 2k forums they are closing up SOME functionality of "older" servers. Older being not 2k10 and not newest generation games (top spin 3 and bigs 2 are new).
It doesn't say exactly what will be gone but its better safe than sorry for online achievements....
It doesn't say exactly what will be gone but its better safe than sorry for online achievements....
Re: NBA 2K9 Beat a Team 2K
06/29/10 6:15 am | #9
Leagues and lobbies are shutting down in preparation for the 2K11 games. This shouldn't effect NBA in any way, but it will affect NHL 2K9 Good Teammate achievement since users must enter a lobby to begin game play.
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