Hello and Bienvenue Xboxamericans and Canadians, I'm here to bring another update on the Fall 2010 release Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2. As seen in the picture right there at the beginning, the first update is that a box cover has been decided upon, but things can change, so its not final.
To start off I'll explain the game a bit for those who don't know about it. This is the sequel to Naruto ninja Storm on the PS3 and is game the first Japanese Naruto Game on the Xbox 360. But for a bit more of a explanation see one of my favorite game article creator's article on this game here. And for people who ignore that for now you can directly go see the trailer of the game here.
Now on to the update. In my previous article(kinda bad, it was my first); I told those who read it that there was a possiblity of the charcters going up to the Hidan and Kakuzu arc. Well now that's confirmed, at least the charcters, as seen in my attachments and these pics.

I still say the game's story might go further based on the cover box, and that most japanese games when they come out, are right there with the anime. But we'll just have to wait and see for more pics, and if they include Pain, Team Hebi, or Sage mode Naruto it should be confirmed.
That's not it for the updates though. In the first article mentioned, it said that the official site said there would be 2 player offline fighting. But in this picture it includes three characters fighting. Wheter that means Tag Team, a higher multiplayer limit, or if one of them was just a support character, I can't tell. Take a shot and see if you know what it might be.

For those who are good at japanese you can go here and tells us anything that you read. For those who don't know japanese or know a little bit, like me, you can look at the nice pictures they have as well as the full box cover pics for the 360 and the PS3.
So that concludes the update and so far the game is still set to come out Fall this year. So those people without a japanese enabled 360(most of us) we can expect to have it Winter 2010, if they're fast enough, but if not expect it Early 2011 or Spring 2011. And to be in all honesty i found out about these new pics on the xbox360a site-even if you don't like it. Now you can look at the nice attachments I've included, a couple that weren't included in the article because it was irrelavent, but are still awesome.