Movie Star Turned Xboxer! May's Community Spotlight

AJ: Well folks, this is a man who needs no introduction so I'll jump right into things.
Most people know you around XBA as the guy who makes all the snazzy pictures whenever anyone is in need (mainly the staff at XBA though). Or whenever we make fun of that Mexican guy who thinks he's Puerto Rican (fucking Lou...). But why don't you start off by telling everyone many little intimate details about yourself and whatever else you think we should know.
Revelation1318: Man, I thought this would be easy, but it's hard as hell to talk about yourself. As a few people know, my name is Xavier. I'm a Spaniard-Venezuelan-American guy that loves gaming, among other things.
My other passions besides gaming are music (I'm a guitar player) and riding motorcycles (any bike any terrain). Oh, and horror movies, good ones and bad ones. My riding partner is actually my dad. He's a badass and we butt heads a lot, but at the end of the day, we end up riding together everywhere. If you knew us, you would say "American Chopper" is just a knock-off of my dad and I.
There's no locked doors in my house for close friends and family, except the bedroom's, of course. I take pride on being a very loyal person and I'll fight to the end to support my friends, but of course, I expect the same in return. Disloyalty to me is the worst of all the sins, and believe me, I know many.
I manage a couple of sport supplement stores in South Florida. That's part of our family business. We're into nutrition, fitness equipment and all that's related to working out.
I normally game late at night, when everyone already went to sleep. I put my headphones on at full volume, and with my pretzel bowl by my side, start my gaming session. My favorite genres are survival horror and adventure. If you see me online and need an extra hand I'll gladly join your game, but don't expect much conversation on my part. If I wake the wife up I'm toast.
I found out about XBA a couple of years ago by noticing someone else's sig, got interested and signed up. I started to like the community you guys had and the vibe among the members, so little by little I feel like I'm part of this now, and it's pretty cool. One of my favorite members is Lou, he strikes me as a very nice guy who won't mind a joke or two (hundred) at his expense.
AJ: Alright well that's it for this spotlight since you did so much god damn typing!
But seriously, any bike, any terrain? How about a Trials HD or Evolution bike? Lets see what you've really got!
Revelation1318: I ride depending on my mood, normally I love to ride speedbikes. I love the adrenaline rush. When I need time to think, I take a long ride with my cruiser, that's when I relax and clear my mind. But nothing is more fun than getting messy with a dirtbike. Everything goes. I wish Trials HD was as easy as riding in real life, I totally get frustrated playing that S.O.B. of a game. It really grinds my gears. And it's also safer than riding on the street. I cannot afford to get hurt, I have a family to support.
AJ: Well, I can't really think of anything else to ask since you've answered most of my first 10 questions from every spotlight in your first response... Umm... So... If you were stuck on an isolated island with basic food amenities and a shelter (that included an xbox 360 with live connection but no mic) for a year but could only bring one game with you to keep you occupied, what would it be and why?
Revelation1318: I'd bring Dead Island. It could be used as entertainment and as a tool. I could play different scenarios in case that island is being overrun by zombies and plan my escapes when I have to go hunt for food and supplies. I could also test how different weapons would work and for how long they would last.
AJ: Interesting. I personally got bored with Dead Island in one night, Minioger and LilCuyler can attest to that.
Why don't you tell us what direction you'd like to see video games going in the not so distant future. Would you like more Kinect type games or simply want things to stay how they are now?
Revelation1318: The one feature I would like to see in the future is the ability to spectate on your friend's gameplay, without having to own that game. For example, you tell me about this great game you're playing (yeah, I know, Trials Evolution) and send me an invite, kinda like a chatroom but I could have a video feed (live) of your gameplay. It would be so great if you could show friends how to beat certain bosses, find hidden collectibles or just simply show off your gaming skills.
As Kinect goes, to me it only works for certain games; like party games, kids games and rarely a couple of mature games. I feel like a fool if I'm screaming commands at my TV. I do enjoy it on a weekend afternoon with my kids, but it's not really that appealing to me.
AJ: I totally understand how you feel about Kinect. I felt like a total jackass yelling at my stupid cats in Kinectimals trying to get gold medals in different events. Sadly, 1k-ing that game put it as my best game on TA

Anyway, do you have any gamerscore goals or anything you'd like to achieve in the Xbox world? I remember when you joined a while back your gamerscore wasn't that high, but it's definitely gotten there.
Revelation1318: For now, just to get to 150K GS. But of course, then it's going to be 200K. Since I joined XBA I have tripled my gamerscore. I would recommend people to get into the weekly competitions, these are a great incentive. Just try to win them and without realizing, your gamerscore will rocket. And also check other people's GS and see which games they are playing. Don't be afraid to play crappy games. No one has a high GS on good games alone. And try to have fun. That's why we are here, right?
My proudest achievement was to get to 123456 GS with "Turd Burglar". I planned out that thing like it was a bank robbery, and I had a lot of fun doing it.

AJ: The only other person that I know of to hit 123456 was XxJesusNinjaxX, always cool to see something like that.
I can't believe I skipped this question and I don't know the answer to it like I have in the past with other CSers, how did you come up with your gamertag? Any significance to the numbers or anything?
Revelation1318: I was raised in catholic schools. We had Religious Education twice a week, so our textbook was the Bible. I found the Bible to be a very interesting collection of stories, but no book in the Bible was as interesting as the Book of Revelation. So while I was supposed to be reading other books, I just kept reading that one over and over.
When I found out that the introduction to what later became one of my favorite Iron Maiden's songs was one of my favorite passages, I totally fell in love with it. It would read: Revelation 13:18 "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." That's 666 for you, kids.
AJ: That's probably the most meaningful gamertag explanation I've ever heard, I'm sure most members will agree.
Now onto more srs bsns. Meta would like to know what internet meme you think is the funniest and why. Then I would like you to somehow make it into a picture that makes fun of Lou.
And all the staff writers want to know if you had to pick one of us to give 20 dollars, who would it be and why?
Revelation1318: Scumbag Steve. I had a good friend that used (maybe still does) to behave exactly like him. And there's already a meme made with Lou!

I would save enough to have 20 bucks for all of you and donate the full amount to Jackson in your names. That way we know it would go to something we all enjoy.
AJ: I don't think the writers well be expecting that kind of answer, probably the best answer to that question!
Well the writers and myself don't have any other questions for you, so if there's people you'd like to thank or something you want to say, do it now!
Revelation1318: Well, basically to thank all the people that voted for me for this CS, it's really an honor and I definitely appreciate it a lot.
Special thanks to my favorite people (you know who you are). And a big DAMNIT to Lou, my muse. You know it's all love.
So, my 15 minutes of fame are over?

PS: My favorite people are Lou, Meta, The Evols and you, of course. No homo.
AJ: Sadly, your time is up, but it won't be forgotten since this will always be here to remind you that you were famous for a brief moment and you'll always have those minor roles in all those movies you were in (pictures below)! Thanks for participating in this spotlight and as always, enjoy the shades.

And everyone else, as always, please send me your requests for who you would like to see in the next community spotlight, hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading!