Whats the most anoying thing on xbox360 live
Archived: Most anyoning thing on xbox360 live?
Posted Under: Gaming
Most anyoning thing on xbox360 live?
02/11/10 6:34 pm | #1
I just got done playing mw2 with some little kid who was like 7 and he kept singing songs and i just wanted to know.
Whats the most anoying thing on xbox360 live
Whats the most anoying thing on xbox360 live
Re: Most anyoning thing on xbox360 live?
02/11/10 6:58 pm | #2
i would expect more little kids on PS3 as account are free...but i was wrong sadly there's more kids on 360 and their parents probably pay for their accounts (so they can suck...or be annoying)
Re: Most anyoning thing on xbox360 live?
02/11/10 7:05 pm | #4
English people.
Re: Most anyoning thing on xbox360 live?
02/11/10 7:15 pm | #6
the most annoying thing on/about xbl.....
paying for it....
paying for it....
Re: Most anyoning thing on xbox360 live?
02/11/10 7:21 pm | #8
It won't be long before PSN users are paying monthly for premium services.
Re: Most anyoning thing on xbox360 live?
02/11/10 7:21 pm | #9
Rob.. Do you put a headset on when you talk to Bubblz?

Re: Most anyoning thing on xbox360 live?
02/11/10 7:25 pm | #11
As soon as I can find the source, I'll post it. I just can't remember where it was!
Re: Re: Most anyoning thing on xbox360 live?
02/11/10 7:27 pm | #12
Quote by theEVOL1:
English people.
Re: Most anyoning thing on xbox360 live?
02/11/10 7:50 pm | #13
Most annoying thing on Xbox Live?