Archived: Morally Wrong or Just Plain Wrong?
Posted Under: Deeper Discussions
Morally Wrong or Just Plain Wrong?
04/23/11 1:04 am | #1
So, first i will give the story. Had a son with a girl, we are no longer together, bad ending, before my son was born. Well we split up because she tried to have me arrested for kidnapping her, at my birthday party which she drove to and where 30 plus other people were. short story shes a looney. well had my son bradley, she didnt tell me she was in labor or call me so i missed the birth and then blamed me for not calling the hospital to keep checking if she was there... even if i did he was born early anyways. ok well i got to see him (with her ugh) twice when he was 1 month and then again when he was 2 months, then she didnt show at the next arranged time. then messages me saying she will not continue letting me see him if me and her are not together, i said no way. and ever since i have not seen him, she has moved and address is confidential until i go for custody ( i dont have money for that right now). mean time im on a $300 a month child support payment which i cannot afford and i still do not see my son. heres the part im extremely upset and livid about. she messages me today, saying,(her) i will not send you any pictures of "my" son because you should not be considered his father, and talking about fathers, i am with someone who loves me and "my" son and who "my" son runs to when he sees him and calls him "daddy". . . . . . another thing is when i message her i always saying "our" son, she is wearing me down with this "my" son shit. and then to have my son calling another man daddy.... this infuriates me more than anything in the world, im really lost now and my mind is all over the place.... i dont mind if this thread gets closed down, i just really want to hear from some friends about this, and everyone on here i consider a friend.
Re: Morally Wrong or Just Plain Wrong?
04/23/11 1:09 am | #2
The bitch is crazy, and our legal "justice" system is fucked up as always and incredibly biased towards such fucked up females as this. All I can say is I feel for you man, the only possible way you could fight this is to spend tons of time and money on a good lawyer that can bend our broken laws back the other way enough for you to get out of payments and/or get some kind of visitation rights.
Maybe for now keep all the stupid texts she sends you and start recording calls that way if it ever does come down to a real legal battle you'll have evidence that this cunt is fucked in the head and has no business raising your child?
Maybe for now keep all the stupid texts she sends you and start recording calls that way if it ever does come down to a real legal battle you'll have evidence that this cunt is fucked in the head and has no business raising your child?
Re: Morally Wrong or Just Plain Wrong?
04/23/11 1:15 am | #3
oh and forgot to say that while taking my child support payments, she is due his child here within couple months....
Re: Re: Morally Wrong or Just Plain Wrong?
04/23/11 1:21 am | #4
Quote by Meta:
Maybe for now keep all the stupid texts she sends you and start recording calls that way if it ever does come down to a real legal battle you'll have evidence that this cunt is fucked in the head and has no business raising your child?
Re: Morally Wrong or Just Plain Wrong?
04/23/11 1:30 am | #5
Exactly what Meta said.
Re: Morally Wrong or Just Plain Wrong?
04/23/11 1:39 am | #6
there all saved they are on myspace, which i only use to endure contact with her
Re: Morally Wrong or Just Plain Wrong?
04/23/11 1:40 am | #7
^^^Agreed with sir Meta as well.
Damn, that's fucking deep man. Sorry to hear all the problems going on. But damn, after reading that I can't believe that she won't even let you see him or let you call him your son. She is one twisted woman, especially how your even paying child support, even though you she won't let you see him. Good luck man, and hopefully things turn out better in the future.
Damn, that's fucking deep man. Sorry to hear all the problems going on. But damn, after reading that I can't believe that she won't even let you see him or let you call him your son. She is one twisted woman, especially how your even paying child support, even though you she won't let you see him. Good luck man, and hopefully things turn out better in the future.
Re: Morally Wrong or Just Plain Wrong?
04/23/11 2:04 am | #8
Damn, I'd lose it. I've got a six month old daughter, and sometimes things don't go so well with my girl and I, but she knows that she'd never be able to keep my daughter from me. I'd burn the world down to get to her, so if she ever tried to pull that shit keeping her away from me, I'd do some terrible things.
Hate hearing that, I can't stand this type of shit, and I really hope you can work something out, it doesn't make sense how you're paying child support, but can't see your child on weekends or when you preferred. That's normally part of the deal unless you did some messed up shit on your side, otherwise I don't see how you could be stopped from seeing your child if you wanted.
Hate hearing that, I can't stand this type of shit, and I really hope you can work something out, it doesn't make sense how you're paying child support, but can't see your child on weekends or when you preferred. That's normally part of the deal unless you did some messed up shit on your side, otherwise I don't see how you could be stopped from seeing your child if you wanted.
Re: Morally Wrong or Just Plain Wrong?
04/23/11 2:10 am | #10
Man, I know this is wrong for me to say but if she was crazy ya should've known from the jump.....other than that being said she's fucked but I'm sorry to hear about that shit dude....
Re: Morally Wrong or Just Plain Wrong?
04/23/11 2:16 am | #11
I say we kill her
Re: Re: Morally Wrong or Just Plain Wrong?
04/23/11 2:26 am | #12
Quote by Detroit:
I say we kill her
Wait till you become a cop bro, just wait
Re: Re: Re: Morally Wrong or Just Plain Wrong?
04/23/11 2:41 am | #13
Quote by Adrian Potato Tummy:
Quote by Detroit:
I say we kill her
Wait till you become a cop bro, just wait
watchya mean?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Morally Wrong or Just Plain Wrong?
04/23/11 2:59 am | #14
Quote by Detroit:
Quote by Adrian Potato Tummy:
Wait till you become a cop bro, just wait
watchya mean?
You ever see righteous kill?