Archived: midwynter?
Posted Under: 360 Talk
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05/09/09 10:29 am | #1
who is this guy seriously Im from north dakota was 2nd then this guy comes along with 300000 come on I can guarantee hes not from ND Ive heard his from Japan if hes legit and doesnt gamesave why does he block hes cheevos hum?????
Re: midwynter?
05/09/09 10:53 am | #2
yea his XBL profile says japan...i guess he just chose a random state that wasnt TN (i think that right) cause Stallion83 is in that one, and he has just about 11k over him. actually, if he is who i think he is, he used to be Japan Top. but he left the site i think
Re: midwynter?
05/09/09 5:17 pm | #3
Re: midwynter?
05/09/09 7:11 pm | #5
Well, there's only one thing you can do. You are going to have to move to Wyoming so you can be number 1.
Other than that... QQ!
But just know... You will ALWAYS be number 2 to me! lol
Other than that... QQ!
But just know... You will ALWAYS be number 2 to me! lol
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