Archived: Lovin Bioshock 2 so far but...
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
Lovin Bioshock 2 so far but...
02/15/10 3:23 am | #1
I don't understand why it seems like u have no defense in single player. U take 3 hits from a wrench or like 5 bullets and ur health is completely drained. In multiplayer however ur like a huge powerhouse and noone can take u down for like 5 minutes, i understand its all about balancing but it kinda makes the whole fact that ur playin as a big daddy seem not so important when u die so quick.
Re: Lovin Bioshock 2 so far but...
02/15/10 3:33 am | #2
Ya, thats one complaint I read about in the reviews. I dont see it a much of a problem though. One thing I noticed is that all searchable objects/people are jam packed with money heath packs and other things. Your always quaranteed to find at least 10 bucks on any downed splicer. At one point I had over 600 dollars. Now, this could just be because I was playing on easy, but still something I noticed no the less.
Re: Lovin Bioshock 2 so far but...
02/15/10 3:45 am | #3
Yeah...those fucking spider splicers. I can almost bet every time i see one i use about 2 health packs. But like Sean said...i find money just about its not that much of a problem, plus i maxed out my health a nice little bit. One thing that pissed me off is Houdini Splicers!!!! GRRR!!!! I had the perfect set up to get that achievement where the little and me doesn't get hurt during a gather. The little sister finished getting the adam, then BAM! a fucking Houdini Splicer appears in the room i was in and wacks me! Whats fucked up is the room only had 1 entrance...and i was guarding the shit out of it!
Re: Lovin Bioshock 2 so far but...
02/15/10 3:47 am | #4
i got that achievement on my third try on the seciond little sister gathering in Ryan amusments... put Rivet traps around the Turret, trust me!
Re: Re: Lovin Bioshock 2 so far but...
02/15/10 3:52 am | #5
Quote by Sean:
i got that achievement on my third try on the seciond little sister gathering in Ryan amusments... put Rivet traps around the Turret, trust me!
I forger the name of the place. It was like a gallery of some sort. It was all iced a freezer, and it had a shit tone of security cams and turrets. I hacked them all....and the body was in the very the one room. The room...with ONE DOOR. I put trap rivets all around the body....and one mini turret out. She gathered all the adam...but when i went to grab her that fucking houdini splicer spawns in my room! The room with ONE DOOR!!!!!!!!!
Re: Lovin Bioshock 2 so far but...
02/15/10 4:09 am | #6
That's why they call them Houdini's xD
I just finished BioShock this morning (yes I'm a few years late to the party) but I can't fracking wait to play 2. I love clomping around in the Big Daddy suit.
I have heard quite a few mentions of being too fragile, and also that the drill guzzles fuel too fast, I think that kind of blows but I'm just glad you get to use the drill at all! I was mad in the first one that I didn't get to use a rivet gun or drill.
I just finished BioShock this morning (yes I'm a few years late to the party) but I can't fracking wait to play 2. I love clomping around in the Big Daddy suit.
I have heard quite a few mentions of being too fragile, and also that the drill guzzles fuel too fast, I think that kind of blows but I'm just glad you get to use the drill at all! I was mad in the first one that I didn't get to use a rivet gun or drill.
Re: Lovin Bioshock 2 so far but...
02/15/10 4:15 am | #7
I love being the Houdini in multiplayer, ask Noah, I made him my bitch last night in Survival of the fittest. 20 kills 5 deaths.
Re: Lovin Bioshock 2 so far but...
02/15/10 5:29 am | #8
Lol, i got the achieve for perfect gather in the very first one, i just set up traps everywhere and electrocuted the splicers as they were jumping from above, then when they hack open the door behind u turn around and finish those 2 off and boom achieve on first gather in the game.
Re: Lovin Bioshock 2 so far but...
02/15/10 5:31 am | #9
as did I it really wasn't that hard.
Re: Lovin Bioshock 2 so far but...
02/15/10 7:57 am | #10
You die quicker in this one then you did in the original. lol i thought i was a big daddy, But i look at my shadow and its VERY small. So idk. lol But you cant really compare the multiplayer with the single player. they were made by 2 diffrent companys if you didnt know.
Re: Lovin Bioshock 2 so far but...
02/15/10 9:04 am | #11
I got almost to the end of the game and got stuck on the floor couldn't move at all so I loaded the last save had to start from the begging of the level
Re: Lovin Bioshock 2 so far but...
02/15/10 1:06 pm | #12
ef you guys and your perfect gather on the first try! LOL
Im not worried about it, ill just keep trying till the end. Which i think i pretty close to. I have that one gene tonic thingy called "Demanding Father" on. My little sisters gather adam pretty fast so we will see how they go. If i dont get it no biggie...i will be playing this game through one more time.
Im not worried about it, ill just keep trying till the end. Which i think i pretty close to. I have that one gene tonic thingy called "Demanding Father" on. My little sisters gather adam pretty fast so we will see how they go. If i dont get it no biggie...i will be playing this game through one more time.
Re: Re: Lovin Bioshock 2 so far but...
02/15/10 1:19 pm | #13
It's funny, but I got the Perfect defense on the third gather I tried. I reloaded my save 3 times to get it. Then the next 2 gathers glitched and there was not a single splicer that attacked! I was just sitting there waiting for anyone to attack and noone came! lol
Yeah, the drill is not as great as I wanted it to be. Drill fuel is plentiful enough, but you have to upgrade and supplement it with gene tonics to make it worth using. I think the Rivet gun was my weapon of choice. Heavy Rivets FTW!!!
My problem with the weapon system is that every time I use the Camera to research, it defaults to the last weapon I picked up. For instance, The last half of the game, I switched to the Launcher as soon as I started recording a research subject forcing me to switch weapons as soon as I start fighting. Is there any way to change the order that your weapons switch? That would be very helpful in my hard runthrough.
Quote by Meta:
That's why they call them Houdini's xD
I just finished BioShock this morning (yes I'm a few years late to the party) but I can't fracking wait to play 2. I love clomping around in the Big Daddy suit.
I have heard quite a few mentions of being too fragile, and also that the drill guzzles fuel too fast, I think that kind of blows but I'm just glad you get to use the drill at all! I was mad in the first one that I didn't get to use a rivet gun or drill.
I just finished BioShock this morning (yes I'm a few years late to the party) but I can't fracking wait to play 2. I love clomping around in the Big Daddy suit.
I have heard quite a few mentions of being too fragile, and also that the drill guzzles fuel too fast, I think that kind of blows but I'm just glad you get to use the drill at all! I was mad in the first one that I didn't get to use a rivet gun or drill.
Yeah, the drill is not as great as I wanted it to be. Drill fuel is plentiful enough, but you have to upgrade and supplement it with gene tonics to make it worth using. I think the Rivet gun was my weapon of choice. Heavy Rivets FTW!!!
My problem with the weapon system is that every time I use the Camera to research, it defaults to the last weapon I picked up. For instance, The last half of the game, I switched to the Launcher as soon as I started recording a research subject forcing me to switch weapons as soon as I start fighting. Is there any way to change the order that your weapons switch? That would be very helpful in my hard runthrough.
Re: Re: Re: Lovin Bioshock 2 so far but...
02/15/10 2:55 pm | #14
Quote by theEVOL1:
My problem with the weapon system is that every time I use the Camera to research, it defaults to the last weapon I picked up. For instance, The last half of the game, I switched to the Launcher as soon as I started recording a research subject forcing me to switch weapons as soon as I start fighting. Is there any way to change the order that your weapons switch? That would be very helpful in my hard runthrough.
Choose the weapon you want then bring out the camera. Once you start filming you automatically bring out the previous weapon you were holding. I love the frozen drill but with having to scavenge through every dead body for supplies and cash it sucks that freezing and then shattering them leaves no body to search.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Lovin Bioshock 2 so far but...
02/15/10 3:10 pm | #15
Quote by IRiSH:
Quote by theEVOL1:
My problem with the weapon system is that every time I use the Camera to research, it defaults to the last weapon I picked up. For instance, The last half of the game, I switched to the Launcher as soon as I started recording a research subject forcing me to switch weapons as soon as I start fighting. Is there any way to change the order that your weapons switch? That would be very helpful in my hard runthrough.
Choose the weapon you want then bring out the camera. Once you start filming you automatically bring out the previous weapon you were holding. I love the frozen drill but with having to scavenge through every dead body for supplies and cash it sucks that freezing and then shattering them leaves no body to search.

Thanks, I'm usually flipping through with the bumpers and not bringing up the rotary!
When you shatter frozen enemies, they leave lockboxes to plunder!