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Archived: IW Rumor

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Re: IW Rumor
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yeah the head of activision is the guy who said

he'd release a music genre game every year until he dries that market up.
he also said he dislikes developers who have fun making games, and that he plans to take the fun out of making video games, he wants it to be pure business.

point in fact... he's a douche

and dont forget about the shit he pulled with the MUA2 DLC
Re: Re: IW Rumor
Xbox America Friend
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Quote by Four Channel:

That's cause the new Head of Activision is a currency devouring asshole. Excuse the harsh language lol

i tried to take out the harsh words n censor him

am i doin it rite!?
Re: IW Rumor
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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Find out what's fun for that guy and cut it off and let's see how much he likes it.
Re: Re: IW Rumor
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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Bronze Waffle
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Quote by Nick:


I heard the head IW guys got cut because they were talking to EA behind Activision and being all secret about it................
Re: Re: IW Rumor
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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Bronze Waffle
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Quote by Nick:

yeah the head of activision is the guy who said

he'd release a music genre game every year until he dries that market up.
he also said he dislikes developers who have fun making games, and that he plans to take the fun out of making video games, he wants it to be pure business.

point in fact... he's a douche

and dont forget about the shit he pulled with the MUA2 DLC

1 music game an year????...
2009-Guitar Hero Metallica
Guitar Hero Smash Hits
Guitar Hero 5
Band Hero
DJ Hero
Guitar Hero Van Halen
only one I liked was Metallica,Van Halen,And somewhat smash hits...
and their DLC Choice is horrible...
Re: IW Rumor
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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Bronze Waffle
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Battlefield bad company 2 won my heart on Friday, I picked it up, and havn't played MW2 since.....And the thing is....I DONT WANNA GO BACK! :D The reason being, Is that you HAVE to have skill in BF:BC2 to win, you don't in MW2. It's way to easy for noobs to pick up the game and go.

Deleted User

Re: Re: IW Rumor
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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Bronze Waffle
Bronze Waffle

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Quote by animefr33k:

I think their equal games, one does not take more skill than the other. Also if everyone wants to know what's going down with the Call of Duty franchise. http://g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/tag/7820/Fall-of-Duty.html

How the H**L are you gonna say this when both of these games arnt even on your list.....YOU DONT OWN THESE GAMES!!!! :growl:

Deleted User

Re: Re: Re: Re: IW Rumor
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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Bronze Waffle
Bronze Waffle

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Quote by animefr33k:

Quote by CHASE1494:

How the H**L are you gonna say this when both of these games arnt even on your list.....YOU DONT OWN THESE GAMES!!!! :growl:

Actually I own Modern Warfare 2 and I played the hell out of the Bad Company demo and I am good at both so try looking at my gamercard first. :no:

O im sorry, i forgot demos were added to your list.... :rolleyes:
How are you gonna judge the game on a demo, Buy the game you poor kid.

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