Archived: is gamefly any good?
Posted Under: Gaming
is gamefly any good?
03/16/10 11:34 pm | #1
i wanted to know before i start it
Re: is gamefly any good?
03/16/10 11:38 pm | #2
I've heard people say that it's really slow sending games and receiving them
Re: Re: is gamefly any good?
03/16/10 11:39 pm | #3
Quote by xRoWx Assassin:
I've heard people say that it's really slow sending games and receiving them
like how slow?
Re: is gamefly any good?
03/16/10 11:40 pm | #4
Re: is gamefly any good?
03/16/10 11:45 pm | #5
i have gamefly, and i enjoy it thoroughly. depending on where you are, it could take 2 days, or up to a week before you get your game(s). I live in Denver, CO, and my shipping center is in los angeles. It take about 3 days to get my game, and about 4 days for them to return. They have a fast return feaure that lets them know when you have sent your games back, and usually send you new ones before they get them back. Its all done through the post office(duh, i know), so that effects the game travel as well. I recommend it.
Re: is gamefly any good?
03/16/10 11:51 pm | #6
okay thanks guys ill probably get it
Re: is gamefly any good?
03/16/10 11:52 pm | #7
I like it! Just a few tips...
1. Make sure you hand your returns to a mail carrier that scans it in. Takes a lot longer if you don't get it scanned.
2. Keep your gameQ full with new and old titles. I only had new titles at 1st and I had big delays on shipping b/c of it.
3. Don't get your hopes up for the newest titles. If it's just been released expect there to be longer delays on those titles.
4. Don't get to pissed when they send a game from the bottom of your gameQ when other titles show to be available now above the one they sent. They send the 1st available nearest you. So, sometimes other available now's get skipped over.
I have only been a member for a couple monthes now but it's been pretty good so far for me but I'm sure not everyone likes their service, it's a little slow at times but they only have 4 shipping centers so it's not as fast as say netflix's but the more customers they get the more shipping centers they will add.
1. Make sure you hand your returns to a mail carrier that scans it in. Takes a lot longer if you don't get it scanned.
2. Keep your gameQ full with new and old titles. I only had new titles at 1st and I had big delays on shipping b/c of it.
3. Don't get your hopes up for the newest titles. If it's just been released expect there to be longer delays on those titles.
4. Don't get to pissed when they send a game from the bottom of your gameQ when other titles show to be available now above the one they sent. They send the 1st available nearest you. So, sometimes other available now's get skipped over.
I have only been a member for a couple monthes now but it's been pretty good so far for me but I'm sure not everyone likes their service, it's a little slow at times but they only have 4 shipping centers so it's not as fast as say netflix's but the more customers they get the more shipping centers they will add.
Re: is gamefly any good?
03/17/10 1:15 am | #8
GAMEFLY=AMAZING. and how can u say its slow? i have the 4 game plan and it saves me hundreds of dollars a month and i get just about every new game by thursday or friday the week they release at the store on tuesday so i wouldnt call that slow at all. i have my own system down where i put my return in the mail friday and they receive it monday, process and ship me the new release on monday thats coming out on tuesday. Ive got BFBC2, God of War 3, Final Fantasy 13, and I believe their shipping Resonance of Fate to me tomorrow. Thats 4 BRAND NEW RELEASES in less than a month, i paid 36.99 for my month and SAVED $240 on not having to buy these games.
Re: is gamefly any good?
03/17/10 1:53 am | #9
I like it, and I'll bet it's better on a 4-game plan. I'm on a budget so I'm on the 1-game plan now. Something else I like is the discount and coupons on used games. I got COD WAW for $12 and free shipping from them that way.
Re: Re: is gamefly any good?
03/17/10 1:57 am | #10
Quote by MadvilNE:
I like it, and I'll bet it's better on a 4-game plan. I'm on a budget so I'm on the 1-game plan now. Something else I like is the discount and coupons on used games. I got COD WAW for $12 and free shipping from them that way.
Re: is gamefly any good?
07/28/10 2:29 pm | #11
I know this is several months after the last post, but I really like GameFly. I also have / use Netflix. If you have Netflix, then GameFly will seem slow to you or at least it is for me, but I don't mind too much. Typically, I put my return game in the mail on Monday and will get the new one back on Friday. It does save me tons of money as opposed to buying all the games. I can get my DVD back from Netflix, watch that movie send it back and get my second DVD in about the same time as I get the first back from GameFly. But that is not too bad.
Re: is gamefly any good?
08/10/10 11:53 pm | #12
As a previous user of Gamefly, I gotta say it is a big time money saver, and a great way to not get stuck with a crap game. Put it in, get chivies, pull out, ship that S.O.B., rinse, repeat. I'd rather spend the $15 a month to "rent" a game for as much time as I need than buying said game, and now being stuck with it whilst it gathers dust on your shelf.
Re: is gamefly any good?
08/11/10 1:03 am | #14
Hahaha! Lucky for you his usertitle is BANNED.