Archived: Infinity Ward vs. Activison
Posted Under: Gaming
Re: Infinity Ward vs. Activison
03/02/10 6:14 pm | #5
That's what Infinity Ward gets for getting in bed with Activi$ion. How's that old saying go? Something like: "He who lays down with dogs shouldn't be surprised when he wakes up with fleas."

Re: Infinity Ward vs. Activison
03/02/10 7:17 pm | #6
IW should've split when they had the chance...
Bungie was smart, got out of Microsoft while the getting was good (IB reference FTW).
Bungie was smart, got out of Microsoft while the getting was good (IB reference FTW).
Re: Infinity Ward vs. Activison
03/02/10 7:21 pm | #7
GO ACTIVISION!! woop woop
Re: Infinity Ward vs. Activison
03/02/10 7:36 pm | #9
interesting. i wouldnt be surprised if another company would make a MW3, doing a whole differnt twist to it. what did jason west and other top people even do?
Re: Re: Infinity Ward vs. Activison
03/02/10 11:18 pm | #11
Quote by animefr33k:
Also go Activision? We're talking about the people who didn't even want Call of Duty to go modern, the people who bastardized the Guitar Hero games every few months. Now they're talking about making Call of Duty a subscription based game. No, fuck Activision!
Also go Activision? We're talking about the people who didn't even want Call of Duty to go modern, the people who bastardized the Guitar Hero games every few months. Now they're talking about making Call of Duty a subscription based game. No, fuck Activision!
I'm pulling an AJ.

Re: Infinity Ward vs. Activison
03/04/10 2:01 pm | #14
Oh NO! I don't care...