Thought it would be fun for everyone to share their opinions on some worth while Indie games.
Every so often I'll be recommended a game that sounds absurd or has some insane concept but after downloading it, I start to really enjoy it. Recently I've played a few Indie titles and that were not only fun and addicting but well developed. I think just the title names alone will get some of ya to give em a go.
My 3 Indie recommendations.
1. Shark Attack Deathmatch
Think jaws meets Call of Duty. For just $1 you get a surprisingly well put together FPS underwater combat game. At first I thought I'd just be killing sharks but believe it or not, this game actually has online MP and it's still very active. Armed with a spear gun, stun grenades and a knife you must survive Great white encounters along with other divers (If you're playing MP)
I rate this game 8 Great whites out of 10. A must play/buy
2. One Finger Death Punch
I seriously lol'd when I first saw the title name. Thinking to myself "named after Five Finger Death Punch a lil" Contrary to the name this game has nothing to do with Five Finger Death Punch the band. For just $1 you get a very fun and easy to play Kung Fu rythym game that will surprisingly have you trying to perfect your skill in order to unlock nifty weapon upgrades. Extremely violent, fast paced and addicting, this game is worth every 100 cents I paid for it.
I rate this game 9 Kung Fu punches to the face out of 10. A must play/buy
3. Techno Kitten Adventure
There was absolutely no way I was going to exclude this title from my list. Cats, techno and adventures, what else could you ask for? For a lil more than the previously stated Indie games, this title will set you back a whopping $3 but it's plenty worth it. With simple controls and an extremely quirky design, you play as kittens trying to go from point A to point B in a side scrolling adventure. As you're playing, techno music is played that goes extremely well with the atmosphere. Kinda like DDR music, if you're into that. I don't condone the use of drugs but while playing this I was thinking "If I were on acid right now, this shit would be craaazy!" Playing this longer than you should, you may just wonder what it would be like to strap a jet pack to you're beloved kitty companion and send him or her on a journey.
I rate this game 10 psychedelic flying kitties out of 10. A must buy
So there's my 3 recommendations. Please share your favorite Indie games, I'd love to know what everyone else enjoys.