Archived: i'm new to this website but not live
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
i'm new to this website but not live
08/23/10 3:36 pm | #1
I am deathking122 currently ranked 954th on the California leaderboard. i have tons of achievements on 8 different games. my most played game online is either left 4 dead 2 or GTA IV. when i'm bored i either play Call of Duty World at War Nazi Zombie mode (either online or solo) or Mercenaries 2 WIF or my other games. I'm only on during the weekends due to my parents being split up. neither my mom nor dad will let me take a drivers permit test on the computer. my mom thinks with the way i get angry sometimes will lead me to taking the car on what she says a "JoyRide" but i have 1 and only 1 rule... I leave the 'Grand Theft Auto' to the games and i bring my anger out on the games. my dad doesn't let me take the tests due to him not being able to afford it. i am a sophmore in high school. and even though i kinda sometimes get in trouble at school i don't get mad enough to cause harm to anybody. my only weakness is having the cops called on me. I also have a family passed medical condition that causes tumors to grow on certain most needed organs in the human body. My grandma on my dads side of the family is deaf due to the tumors. my dad is deaf in one ear and slightly deaf in the other ear. i have 2 tumors growing on both my hearing lobes where i get sound to my ears. I also had a tumor growing on my 3rd optical nerve. i had a surgery last june and the doctors had to remove the damaged nerve. why i'm telling you all this is so you have an idea of how lucky you might be not to have the same medical condition i do. this medical condintion like all others has a name. Nerofibromistosis type 2 (also known as NF2). so if you even think of calling me a noob on any game that you see me on think of this thread first before you say anything.
Re: i'm new to this website but not live
08/23/10 3:41 pm | #2
Re: i'm new to this website but not live
08/23/10 3:47 pm | #3
Re: i'm new to this website but not live
08/23/10 3:47 pm | #4
is that china i hear calling on the phone...?
anyways, welcome
anyways, welcome
Re: i'm new to this website but not live
08/23/10 3:48 pm | #5

Re: i'm new to this website but not live
08/23/10 3:54 pm | #7

Welcome to XBA!
Points of interest include:
There is only one point of interest you NEED to visit.
EVOL'S Special 2010 Welcome!
Make sure you stop here first. The first post in this thread, created by AJ, teaches you how forums and threads work. This will save you some flaming, so please, consider it.
We have a group at, started by our very own CrooklynmayoXBA, which is a blog for your xbox. If you would be interested in joining, feel free to follow this link:
If you feel like sharing the epic reasoning behind your Gamer Tag, feel free to visit this thread, there are some interesting reads there I might add:
Tired of being a Nooblet, Noob, or a cuddly Carebear? Want to know why you're a Carebear? Check out the Post Ranks and see how to change it. Please do not use this as a reason to troll or spam posts.
Melissa Evol's What is a Waffle? thread will answer the first question you will probably have after reading this intro post. It gives the meaning behind why the word "Waffle" is used here.
Meta's Ultra Waffle Thread, for some of the fun & easy 1000 games. Or the second link for the easiest completions (which may not be so fun)
Waffle thread Easiest Completions
Xbox America Trade In Center, for games you don't want anymore. And the Free Redeem Code Thread 2.0, for any codes you don't want or need anymore. Note: Neither of these 2 threads are for requesting items, they are for posting what you have. If you see something you would like, send a PM to the member who has posted it.
Xbox America Trade Center Unwanted Codes
Waffle Order 3.0 after your blue in Trade Thread, for games you just want to pass around the community. A waffle is what we call an easy 1000 game.Just be sure to read the Entire first post, as there are stipulations to joining this thread.
Waffle Order
There are also the weekly Gamerscore Competitions, and multiple lists in the threads, like the Game Completion List and such.
And the Events for any game you may want to play, or make an Event for.
Last but not least, and no disrespect intended, if I have not covered something that you are interested in, please us this link to search for it before starting a new thread:
This Fantastically Epic Tour of Ages to End All Tours brought to you by PureEvil x21
Re: i'm new to this website but not live
08/23/10 4:04 pm | #8
Welcome the tour is now up so plz don't get lost Durties rabid squarral hasn't been found we think he's hunting in the old articles
Re: i'm new to this website but not live
08/23/10 4:17 pm | #9
Welcome, have fun here.
Re: i'm new to this website but not live
08/23/10 5:41 pm | #10
Re: i'm new to this website but not live
08/23/10 6:12 pm | #11
welcome and sorry to hear about your problems
Re: i'm new to this website but not live
08/23/10 6:48 pm | #12
Re: i'm new to this website but not live
08/23/10 6:50 pm | #13
Re: i'm new to this website but not live
08/23/10 7:05 pm | #14
Wow man, sorry to hear about all of those problems. But anyways, welcome to the site, you'll like it here.