Archived: If You Could Remove Any Game from your GT
Posted Under: Gaming
Re: If You Could Remove Any Game from your GT
02/03/11 7:40 pm | #32
Come on AJ you know you want to delete that 5gs for Might and Magic it's killing you!
Re: If You Could Remove Any Game from your GT
02/03/11 9:20 pm | #33
ok i thought of some more games i didnt like n stuff
mortal kombat vs dc universe - at first the game wasnt bad, pretty fun n all....but then it got REALLY fucking boring n shit and rather difficult REALLY quickly and became a button-mashing fest for me half the time
game room - idek the dam point to this. at first, it was kinda cool....then i look at it now and im like "wtf that thing is fucking dreadful..."
youre in the movies - fuck that game. 'nuff said
prey - i got stuck in some glitch or some shit and the campaign was just so god damned confusing and weird it wasnt worth restarting to get out of it...
dbz burst limit - i managed to get like 100GS out of like, 2 hours, ish.....maybe even an hour or hour and a half....i got those 100 really quickly tho...but the game was just shit. i prefer budokai tenkaichi 2 on the wii...that was a good game, even tho i hate the wii
saints row - it was a fun game but my god damned save corrupted and just made me mad so fuck it..
texas hold'em - idefk
skate 1 - played the game for a few mins, got some achieves, never played again. second one was much better
lost planet - played it ONCE for like an hour for an old xba event thing...i played 2 missions of the campaign (that took like 10 mins each, if that) and then some mp....i regret that because overall i thought the game was meh....wasnt THAT
outpost kaloki x - fuckin weird ass game that i didnt understand
war tech senko no ronde - annoying ass game
madden 07 - ider playing this game.....ever
meet the robinsons - gay
nba 2k7 - idr playing this either
at worlds end - when the fuck did i even OWN this?
test drive unlimited -idr much, other then i didnt like it
DiRT - idr playing this
fantastic 4 rise of the silver surfer - horrid game
ratatouille - fucking dreadful
acme arsenal - awful
pga tour 07 - idr playing this
astropop - idr playing/owning this
feeding frenzy - wat
yes, there are a LOT of games i wish i could get rid of...
mortal kombat vs dc universe - at first the game wasnt bad, pretty fun n all....but then it got REALLY fucking boring n shit and rather difficult REALLY quickly and became a button-mashing fest for me half the time
game room - idek the dam point to this. at first, it was kinda cool....then i look at it now and im like "wtf that thing is fucking dreadful..."
youre in the movies - fuck that game. 'nuff said
prey - i got stuck in some glitch or some shit and the campaign was just so god damned confusing and weird it wasnt worth restarting to get out of it...
dbz burst limit - i managed to get like 100GS out of like, 2 hours, ish.....maybe even an hour or hour and a half....i got those 100 really quickly tho...but the game was just shit. i prefer budokai tenkaichi 2 on the wii...that was a good game, even tho i hate the wii
saints row - it was a fun game but my god damned save corrupted and just made me mad so fuck it..
texas hold'em - idefk
skate 1 - played the game for a few mins, got some achieves, never played again. second one was much better
lost planet - played it ONCE for like an hour for an old xba event thing...i played 2 missions of the campaign (that took like 10 mins each, if that) and then some mp....i regret that because overall i thought the game was meh....wasnt THAT
outpost kaloki x - fuckin weird ass game that i didnt understand
war tech senko no ronde - annoying ass game
madden 07 - ider playing this game.....ever
meet the robinsons - gay
nba 2k7 - idr playing this either
at worlds end - when the fuck did i even OWN this?
test drive unlimited -idr much, other then i didnt like it
DiRT - idr playing this
fantastic 4 rise of the silver surfer - horrid game
ratatouille - fucking dreadful
acme arsenal - awful
pga tour 07 - idr playing this
astropop - idr playing/owning this
feeding frenzy - wat
yes, there are a LOT of games i wish i could get rid of...
Re: Re: If You Could Remove Any Game from your GT
02/03/11 9:23 pm | #34
Quote by Big Mike:
Come on AJ you know you want to delete that 5gs for Might and Magic it's killing you!
Not at all. I have 5 in Bomberman: Act Zero as well. Not to mention 10-50 in about 30 others. I suppose if they were deleted my completion % would go up from 62% to 80%. Still doesn't bother me.
Re: Re: Re: If You Could Remove Any Game from your GT
02/03/11 9:29 pm | #35
Quote by AJ:
Quote by Big Mike:
Come on AJ you know you want to delete that 5gs for Might and Magic it's killing you!
Not at all. I have 5 in Bomberman: Act Zero as well. Not to mention 10-50 in about 30 others. I suppose if they were deleted my completion % would go up from 62% to 80%. Still doesn't bother me.
your completion percentage might increase, but youd also lose anywhere from 300-1500 gamerscore if theres 10-50 in each of the 30 games
Re: Re: Re: Re: If You Could Remove Any Game from your GT
02/03/11 9:31 pm | #36
Quote by Taco:
Quote by AJ:
Not at all. I have 5 in Bomberman: Act Zero as well. Not to mention 10-50 in about 30 others. I suppose if they were deleted my completion % would go up from 62% to 80%. Still doesn't bother me.
your completion percentage might increase, but youd also lose anywhere from 300-1500 gamerscore if theres 10-50 in each of the 30 games
1500 gamerscore... That's a little over 1% of my total... I still wouldn't remove them.
Re: Re: If You Could Remove Any Game from your GT
02/03/11 9:33 pm | #37
Quote by IRiSH:
Cabelas Alaskan Abortion 

Quote by Taco:
pimp my ride, fifa 2006, or cabelas alaskan adventure)
I admit, Alaskan Adventures was a pain in the ass, but I am still kinda proud of that completion. Mainly because of how many said they gave up on it. I wanted to quit that p.o.s. so many times......
FIFA 06 I did quit, after 1 achievement. This was a few years back, one of my first games, iirc. But I was determined to beat it and managed to finish it a year ago.
My game is in agreement with Taco.
Fuck that game.
Or maybe Final Fantasy 13. My bro in law started it up on my tag, not knowing it popped an achievement after the opening credits. Have you seen the achievements for that fucker? I hate that bastard for that....
Re: If You Could Remove Any Game from your GT
02/03/11 9:33 pm | #38
Most of my completion percentage anchors I have been able to go back to, but there are a few that I may never go back to. Marval Ultimate Alliance 2 was a mistake and pretty much any Rockstar game I have played.
You know that Hexic is a pretty easy 150, right? You might not get the last 1 or 2 achievements, but you don't have to stare at a 1 achievement game if you don't want to.
Quote by Leo Ascendent:
Tough, there are a few I'd remove:
Gta4, story sucked, online sucked, game plain sucked.
DoA4, enough said. CPU is pure BS, tedious garbage.
Naruto roan, only cuz I can't get collector, tried various maps and still miss coins.
Hexic, dont know how it got on my card, 1 achievement in it I think.
Gta4, story sucked, online sucked, game plain sucked.
DoA4, enough said. CPU is pure BS, tedious garbage.
Naruto roan, only cuz I can't get collector, tried various maps and still miss coins.
Hexic, dont know how it got on my card, 1 achievement in it I think.
You know that Hexic is a pretty easy 150, right? You might not get the last 1 or 2 achievements, but you don't have to stare at a 1 achievement game if you don't want to.
Re: Re: Re: If You Could Remove Any Game from your GT
02/03/11 9:35 pm | #39
Quote by PureEvil x21:
Quote by IRiSH:
Cabelas Alaskan Abortion 

Quote by Taco:
pimp my ride, fifa 2006, or cabelas alaskan adventure)
I admit, Alaskan Adventures was a pain in the ass, but I am still kinda proud of that completion. Mainly because of how many said they gave up on it. I wanted to quit that p.o.s. so many times......
FIFA 06 I did quit, after 1 achievement. This was a few years back, one of my first games, iirc. But I was determined to beat it and managed to finish it a year ago.
My game is in agreement with Taco.
Fuck that game.
Or maybe Final Fantasy 13. My bro in law started it up on my tag, not knowing it popped an achievement after the opening credits. Have you seen the achievements for that fucker? I hate that bastard for that....
PMR is an easy ass completion.
Re: Re: If You Could Remove Any Game from your GT
02/03/11 11:07 pm | #40
Quote by Taco:
meet the robinsons - gay
I lol'd
Re: If You Could Remove Any Game from your GT
02/04/11 12:08 am | #41
They should just add an option to hide individual games on your list if you don't wanna look at em. Just about every game I listed is a game I have only earned 1 or 2 cheevos for and I personally could not give two shits about losing GS. I'd gladly forfeit the 5 or 10 points.
Re: If You Could Remove Any Game from your GT
02/04/11 12:11 am | #42
Yea pretty much any game I only have like 10 or 20 points in, right off the top of my head Moto GP 06 or 07, forget the year, comes to mind.
Re: If You Could Remove Any Game from your GT
02/04/11 12:23 am | #43
Sonic 06 before i got my xbox i had heard so many negative things about it so i had to try it just to see for myself... every one was right now im stuck with 290 points
Forza 3 im really not a big fan of racing 995 is not a bad score but i just wished i could get the month plus of grinding back
Forza 3 im really not a big fan of racing 995 is not a bad score but i just wished i could get the month plus of grinding back
Re: If You Could Remove Any Game from your GT
02/06/11 12:00 am | #44
Adding the Sims 3 to my list now.

Re: If You Could Remove Any Game from your GT
02/06/11 1:40 am | #45
Two Worlds II, ugh.
Sometimes it takes a bit for me to really get into action Rpg's, but yeah not sure it's going to happen with this gem.
Sometimes it takes a bit for me to really get into action Rpg's, but yeah not sure it's going to happen with this gem.