Archived: How cool would it be if there be a Borderland Game of The year editon
Posted Under: Gaming
Re: How cool would it be if there be a Borderland Game of The year editon
04/05/10 2:51 pm | #31

Re: Re: How cool would it be if there be a Borderland Game of The year editon
04/05/10 2:52 pm | #32
Quote by Detroit SniperX:

LOL at your enthusiasm for this game. I'm on the fence about this, if the next DLC is as good as Knoxx, then sure, but the first 2 DLC's blew ASS.
Re: Re: How cool would it be if there be a Borderland Game of The year editon
04/05/10 2:54 pm | #33
Quote by Crustyhippy:
I know, they suck.. BUT I also hope to god they don't make a borderlands GOTY pack, because it does NOT deserve it!
Agreed I thought Borderlands was a horrible game (Yea I gave it a Chance about an hour)
Re: How cool would it be if there be a Borderland Game of The year editon
04/05/10 2:54 pm | #34
Haha, I'm not sure. Before the game came out I was SO excited about the 17 million guns.. Then I played it and thought it was awesome.. Then it turned into a repetitive mess which sucked. But that's my opinion, I honestly think Battlefield should've won GOTY

Re: How cool would it be if there be a Borderland Game of The year editon
04/05/10 3:09 pm | #35
I actually dont like it either. LOL but it WILL get a GOTY no doubt
Re: How cool would it be if there be a Borderland Game of The year editon
04/05/10 3:15 pm | #36
Yeah it seems Game of the Year editions pop up even if they don't win game of the year
. What a silly world we live in!

Re: Re: How cool would it be if there be a Borderland Game of The year editon
04/05/10 3:19 pm | #37
Quote by Crustyhippy:
Yeah it seems Game of the Year editions pop up even if they don't win game of the year
. What a silly world we live in!

I tellin someone about that yesterday.....lol