Archived: How Cool!
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How Cool!
02/13/10 11:20 pm | #1
so i as at my friends house the other night. he doesnt have XBL or internet connection at all with his box. we put in Dragon Age: Origins and it said an update was required. before long a system update was going on and when it was over, NXE was downloaded onto his box! just because of Dragon Age! HOW COOL! lol now is this special to DA where it gave you NXE when playing? Do a lot of new games do that? im sure most of ya have NXE so you may not know, but im just curious about this

Re: Re: How Cool!
02/13/10 11:45 pm | #3
Quote by Melissa Evol:
I've never heard of a 360 game updating when it's not hooked up to live, much less installing the system update... are you SURE he wasn't hooked up to the internet? I mean... if there's no internet there's nothing telling the game to update...
This. I brought my HDD to a friends house who didn't have the NXE update and it wouldn't let me play anything until we updated his box WITH an internet cable.
Re: How Cool!
02/14/10 12:12 am | #6
yeah but how the hell does that work if you're not connected to the internet? 
are they coding games with the NXE or something?

are they coding games with the NXE or something?
Re: Re: How Cool!
02/14/10 12:17 am | #8
Quote by Noah 9000:
yeah but how the hell does that work if you're not connected to the internet? 
are they coding games with the NXE or something?

are they coding games with the NXE or something?
Xbox Magazine comes with Demo Discs that have the latest update on it. My dad has never had Live and he has the Avatars stuff on his 360 now. I remember when he called me freaking out that my little brother fucked up his 360 and it wouldn't let him do anything until he made an Avatar "Whatever the fuck that shit is" <<<His exact words, lol.
Re: How Cool!
02/14/10 12:18 am | #9
he is NOT i repeat NOT connected the the internet. and yeah sometiimes his new games get patches in them... it SO weird
Re: How Cool!
02/14/10 12:20 am | #10
ahhh okay i get it. i never knew that.
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