Archived: Hiya!
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
01/17/11 4:01 pm | #1
Hi! I'm Emz and I'm new. I'm from TN! I wanted to say hi to all the potential new friends on here

Re: Hiya!
01/17/11 4:07 pm | #4
Re: Hiya!
01/17/11 4:14 pm | #6
Re: Hiya!
01/17/11 4:31 pm | #7
Re: Re: Hiya!
01/17/11 5:38 pm | #8
Quote by Durtie:
Welcome to XboxAmerica! Any questions, feel free to ask.
How do I get my created gamercard thing on here like you and many other people have on here. I've spent like 20 minutes trying to figure that out lol

Re: Hiya!
01/17/11 6:13 pm | #9
Re: Hiya!
01/17/11 6:17 pm | #10
Welcome to XBA!
Re: Hiya!
01/17/11 6:55 pm | #11
Re: Hiya!
01/17/11 6:59 pm | #12
Re: Hiya!
01/17/11 8:17 pm | #14
Hail and welcome to XBA!
The main option is to click the link up at the top that says User CP, then go to Gamercard Images.

If you want to customize it beyond that, then you can go to gamercardcreator.com and put in your XBA account information and make one of your own!
The main option is to click the link up at the top that says User CP, then go to Gamercard Images.

If you want to customize it beyond that, then you can go to gamercardcreator.com and put in your XBA account information and make one of your own!
Re: Hiya!
01/17/11 8:59 pm | #15
Welcome to XBA