Archived: Hey
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
02/13/11 3:46 am | #1
What's up people my boy showed me this site. Awesome set up and I can't wait to see what hot deals come thru I play alot of shooters love get addicted to em at times that's prolly y my gamer score isn't that high lol. I'm the co leader of a small band of brothers we call ourselves DsD1- down since day one. Since we all clicked from the first day we met. Anyways hit me up u wanna play some BfBc 2 sometimes since that's the shooter I'm on right now can't wait for homefront and brink until then it'll prolly be bad company 2 lol I don't think crysis 2 is gonna live up to it's hype anyways later fellow addicts lol
Re: Hey
02/13/11 3:51 am | #2
Welcome young Skywalker. I've been expecting you.
Re: Hey
02/13/11 4:46 am | #4
What's up
Re: Hey
02/13/11 6:02 am | #6
welcome bro
Re: Hey
02/13/11 7:45 am | #7
Welcome to XBA!
Re: Hey
02/13/11 9:43 am | #9
Welcome to XBA
Re: Hey
02/13/11 9:49 am | #10
About time, bro.
Re: Hey
02/13/11 10:15 am | #11
Re: Hey
02/13/11 10:18 am | #12
Thank guys
Re: Hey
02/13/11 10:32 am | #13
Welcome aboard.
Re: Hey
02/13/11 11:15 am | #14
Re: Hey
02/13/11 11:23 am | #15
welcome to XBA hope you enjoy your stay
I feel the same way im addicted to FPS games and RPGs my gamerscore would prob be alot higher as well
I feel the same way im addicted to FPS games and RPGs my gamerscore would prob be alot higher as well