Archived: Help with The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
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Re: Help with The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom
02/26/10 8:11 pm | #2
Quote by The Waffle Guy:
I was just wondering if anyone could help me with a walk-through of The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom.

Any help/ a walk-through of levels 2 through 4 would be great. The reason why I'm asking you guys, is because I found no walk-through on or anything, even on

Any help/ a walk-through of levels 2 through 4 would be great. The reason why I'm asking you guys, is because I found no walk-through on or anything, even on

I should make a video but i dont know where my cap card is
Re: Help with The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom
02/26/10 8:12 pm | #3
Did you try searching youtube? They have every level....
Re: Help with The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom
02/26/10 8:15 pm | #4
if you just keep trying youll get it, i beat every lrvrl and challenge level without a walkthrough
Re: Re: Help with The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom
02/26/10 8:18 pm | #6
Quote by The Waffle Guy:
Really? Maybe I should try that stuffsz!!! If it works out for me AJ...I'll let you know...If it don't, I'll get SeanTM22's help!!!
I think i know the one your having trouble with, its the one where you have to get them in number order?
Re: Re: Help with The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom
02/26/10 9:15 pm | #9
Quote by The Waffle Guy:
2.9 is the one that I'm having trouble with...If you could help me that would be much appreciated!!!
Yep the exact one i was thinking, I had lots of trouble with this one, lemme figure it out again lol
Re: Re: Help with The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom
02/26/10 9:27 pm | #11
Quote by The Waffle Guy:
Cool...Lemme know when you are finished with it, and I will try to make a run through it again...
Alright I got it:
First record a clone jumping into number 1 and then run him directly into number four and wait there for about 4-5 seconds.
Next wait at the bottom by the switch and jump on it right when you see your recorded clone reappearing on number 1.
Hit that switch and then run across the bottom and up the stairs as quick as possible into number 3, but right as you ontop of pie number 5, hold RT untill you climb the stairs and let go right as you see your previus clove grab pie #4
Re: Help with The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom
02/26/10 10:59 pm | #12
Is this a puzzle game?
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