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Archived: hello xbox America!

Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
Re: hello xbox America!
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Welcome to the site!!

Deleted User

not short circuit

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I actually am not named after the movie. I was born before its release. My parents are hippies lol.
Re: hello xbox America!
Xbox America Friend
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Burnt Waffle
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Bronze Waffle
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so howd you come up w/ your gamertag???
Re: hello xbox America!
Xbox America Friend
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Burnt Waffle
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Bronze Waffle
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Discussion Sparker
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Gamercard Lover
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reminds me of fallout 3, hahah. but then again what doesn't?

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I'm in a clan called evolution (evo for short) and my old account was redefine pride so I just carried over the pride part
Re: hello xbox America!
Xbox America Friend
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Burnt Waffle
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Bronze Waffle
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i thourhg you were like a car fan or something and liked the lancer evo and owned one, so you had "evo pride" or something...
Re: hello xbox America!

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I see where people could get confused
Re: hello xbox America!
Xbox America Friend
Xbox America Friend

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Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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Bronze Waffle
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1,000 Posts
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Discussion Sparker
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Gamercard Lover
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well my bro is a HUGE car fanatic, he knows like almost everything about almost every car....and he likes the evo....so thats why i thought it was that lol
Re: Re: hello xbox America!
Xbox America Friend
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Xbox America Sponsor
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Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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Bronze Waffle
Bronze Waffle

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1,000 Posts
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Discussion Sparker
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Gamercard Lover
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Quote by Taco:

well my bro is a HUGE car fanatic, he knows like almost everything about almost every car....and he likes the evo....so thats why i thought it was that lol

i'd like to become a mechanic some day!
teach me, he will!

or not... LOL
Re: hello xbox America!
Xbox America Friend
Xbox America Friend

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Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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Bronze Waffle
Bronze Waffle

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1,000 Posts
1,000 Posts

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Discussion Sparker
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Gamercard Lover
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Community Player
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he just KNOWS stuff about cars lol. im not sure how big of a help he'd be w/ fixing them...im not sure tho....he thinks he's cool cause he has all this car info and skateboardin info over me (i know some stuff bout skateboarding, but since he IS a skateboarder he obviously would know more) but i can just turn around and ownz0r him in video games....so...lol...i find that more of an achievement over someone then cars/skateboarding...
Re: hello xbox America!
Xbox America Friend
Xbox America Friend

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Xbox America Sponsor
Xbox America Sponsor

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Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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Bronze Waffle
Bronze Waffle

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1,000 Posts
1,000 Posts

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Discussion Sparker
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Gamercard Lover
Gamercard Lover

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LOL i know how to change a tire!
that's about it, really...
hopefully my job doesn't go under though.
if it does, i will become a mechanic one day. you watch me, taco.
Re: hello xbox America!
Xbox America Friend
Xbox America Friend

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Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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Bronze Waffle
Bronze Waffle

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1,000 Posts
1,000 Posts

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Community Spotlight
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360Voice Group
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Discussion Sparker
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This user used the Xbox America search bar.

Gamercard Lover
Gamercard Lover

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Community Player
Community Player

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mmk noah. ill be your positive support if your job goes under. youll be looking for a mechanic job, and youll be losing hope cause you cant find one, and then youll think "oh wait, Taco's supporting me, i must find a mechanic job!" and then BOOM youll find one! lulz :p
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