Archived: Halo Reach clan (Blue Eagle Army) wants you!!!
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
Re: Halo Reach clan (Blue Eagle Army) wants you!!!
10/11/10 10:54 pm | #2
No thank you
Re: Halo Reach clan (Blue Eagle Army) wants you!!!
10/11/10 10:58 pm | #3
lol Good Luck finding them here buddy. You just stepped into a clan unfriendly zone.
This site is great though, so stick around for more than just recruiting and you'll probably like it.
This site is great though, so stick around for more than just recruiting and you'll probably like it.
Re: Halo Reach clan (Blue Eagle Army) wants you!!!
10/11/10 11:15 pm | #4
I made a clan too
our site is called

Re: Halo Reach clan (Blue Eagle Army) wants you!!!
10/11/10 11:19 pm | #7
Sorry, I joined the Red Falcons... I hear they're way better anyways.
Re: Halo Reach clan (Blue Eagle Army) wants you!!!
10/11/10 11:19 pm | #8
Oh you know, whenever anyone is online playing haha.
Re: Halo Reach clan (Blue Eagle Army) wants you!!!
10/12/10 12:42 am | #10
clans are for faggots. they are stupid and pointless and a waste of time. besides that, you dont even get jackets for them. whats the fun in that?
Re: Halo Reach clan (Blue Eagle Army) wants you!!!
10/12/10 1:17 am | #11
Uncle Sam wants you.. unless you're gay. Then he doesn't.
Re: Halo Reach clan (Blue Eagle Army) wants you!!!
10/12/10 1:28 am | #12
Clan? No way. I had one bad experience with a clan once. It came down to - you help us and MAYBE we will help you.
Re: Re: Halo Reach clan (Blue Eagle Army) wants you!!!
10/12/10 7:56 am | #13
Quote by AJ:
Sorry, I joined the Red Falcons... I hear they're way better anyways.
Screw you! Pink Parrots BABY!
PP til I die!
Re: Halo Reach clan (Blue Eagle Army) wants you!!!
10/12/10 8:44 am | #15
isnt this spam? lol. but yeah, no. im not joining your fruity little clan. or is that the super adventure clan?