Archived: Green Day: Rock Band coming June 8th
Posted Under: Xbox News
Green Day: Rock Band coming June 8th
03/11/10 10:08 pm | #1
Re: Green Day: Rock Band coming June 8th
03/11/10 10:11 pm | #2
*Facepalmx2* Should have just made it DLC...I don't like Green Day they Suck IMO
Re: Green Day: Rock Band coming June 8th
03/11/10 10:19 pm | #3
That Will be alot better than guitar heros few failed solo band attempts: Aerosmith (was by far the worst) and Van Halen. I Hope it will be on the lines of how the Beatles game was made, that was a awesome game. Looking forward for it. They better have Brainstew
Re: Green Day: Rock Band coming June 8th
03/11/10 10:22 pm | #4
I would Gladly Take Aerosmith and Van Halen over Green Sorry but I absolutely Hate Punk Rock
Btw they do have Brainstew...
Btw they do have Brainstew...
Re: Green Day: Rock Band coming June 8th
03/11/10 10:31 pm | #5
Green Day is my favorite group of all time so I'm obviously stoked.
I hated Aerosmith, Van Halen, and the Beatles.
Good to see they are reaching out to diverse crowds. People are bound to hate some and love others.
I hated Aerosmith, Van Halen, and the Beatles.
Good to see they are reaching out to diverse crowds. People are bound to hate some and love others.
Re: Green Day: Rock Band coming June 8th
03/12/10 10:35 am | #7
im not big on green day but i like some songs, and it comes out on my birthday so I might be getting this preordered first day, they better give me somethin good for my birthday as a preorder bonus =/ ... like 10000000000000 ms points lolololololololol but ya in all seriousness looks sweet!
Re: Green Day: Rock Band coming June 8th
03/12/10 11:25 am | #8
I really liked Green Day back in the day, I listened to Dookie religiously when it came out.
I will definitely play this ASAP as I am hopelessly addicted to music/rhythm games but I probably won't buy it unless it proves to be disturbingly fun with unforeseen features.
I don't intend to actually buy any new music games until Rock Band 3, everything else is just rental fodder!
I will definitely play this ASAP as I am hopelessly addicted to music/rhythm games but I probably won't buy it unless it proves to be disturbingly fun with unforeseen features.
I don't intend to actually buy any new music games until Rock Band 3, everything else is just rental fodder!
Re: Green Day: Rock Band coming June 8th
03/12/10 12:07 pm | #9
Crap, green day is my birthday.
Re: Re: Green Day: Rock Band coming June 8th
03/12/10 1:26 pm | #11
Quote by Meta:
I don't intend to actually buy any new music games until Rock Band 3, everything else is just rental fodder!
This! I won't even rent this piece of shit. I've never liked Green Day and believe there's nothing making them worthy of a stand alone title, a big dlc pack maybe. I hope it sells like shit.

Quote by Mudkip:
Yup I agree with this, I'm a Green Day fan but I doubt I'll put down the full $60 just for the game. I'll rent it,export the songs and return the game.
How do you plan on doing that? Do they give you the game manuals where you rent from?
Re: Re: Re: Re: Green Day: Rock Band coming June 8th
03/12/10 1:37 pm | #13
Quote by Mudkip:
Well if it's anything like exporting the songs from RB1 all you have to do is insert the disc pay a certain amount of Microsoft points (800 I believe) for an export key then export the songs (which takes like 15 minutes)
That's just the thing. It'll most likely be the way they've done it with the track packs and Lego RB where they put redeem codes on the manuals and you download all the tracks in one lump. It most likely won't be like RB1.