Archived: Good DS games?
Posted Under: Gaming
Good DS games?
08/05/10 12:10 am | #1
Hey guys I know this "Xbox"america but I have reached a point of boredom that I didn't think existed. And since all the good xbox games don't come out for a another month and a half I was wondering what are some good DS games that could maybe keep me occupied for a little while? I have the pokemon games but thats about it.
Re: Good DS games?
08/05/10 12:27 am | #2
Haha Madden comes out monday night at midnight then Kane and Lynch 2 the following week and Mafia 2 the week after that
but Id maybe say Puzzle Quest 2 or the Mega Man collection also Dragon Quest 9 just came out too. Not sure what else off the top of my head. Try and check out reviews.

Re: Good DS games?
08/05/10 12:30 am | #3
There are a couple of games like
Mario Kart
Mario Vs. Donkey Kong
Super Mario Bros.
Kingdom Hearts
Thats all I can think of.
Mario Kart
Mario Vs. Donkey Kong
Super Mario Bros.
Kingdom Hearts
Thats all I can think of.
Re: Good DS games?
08/05/10 12:32 am | #4
I hate madden >.< and thanks I'll check them out
Re: Good DS games?
08/05/10 12:45 am | #6
ooo I love Dragonball! I might have to get that lol
Re: Good DS games?
08/05/10 12:55 am | #8
Eh idk if I like Zelda or not almost everyone praises the series I think I need to give a second chance
Re: Good DS games?
08/05/10 1:03 am | #9
Yea, Zeldas are usually pretty sick but I havent played a Zelda since the Wind Waker which was the worst one they made IMO haha. I dont personally have a DS but if I did get one Zelda would be a game Id get pretty early.
Re: Good DS games?
08/05/10 1:06 am | #10
Yeah the only one I ever played was Twilight Princess and that was meh
Re: Good DS games?
08/05/10 1:19 am | #14
If you want murder in the palm of your hands Grand theft Chinatown is pretty good
Re: Good DS games?
08/05/10 1:25 am | #15
Whats that one game that came out a few years ago that u plugged in like some kind of light detector and it stored up solar energy in the game and u used it to defeat enemies and solve puzzles? I think it might have been on the gameboy or maybe it was the early DS? That game looked cool