Archived: Golden guns in Red Dead Redemption
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
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Golden guns in Red Dead Redemption
06/29/10 11:29 am | #1
There is golden guns in red dead. All you have to do is get 100 head shots with any weapon and you get a golden version of it. The picture below is real.

Re: Golden guns in Red Dead Redemption
06/29/10 11:34 am | #3
No, they just come with pre-order
Re: Re: Golden guns in Red Dead Redemption
06/29/10 11:38 am | #4
Quote by buddah man 123:
No, they just come with pre-order
No they dont. I got it online while playing the gold grab thing. If you want actual evidence then simply send me a friend request and ill show you the one i have.
Re: Golden guns in Red Dead Redemption
06/29/10 11:40 am | #5
Oh, i just know that they come with pre-order. i dont even have the game
Re: Re: Golden guns in Red Dead Redemption
06/29/10 11:42 am | #6
Quote by buddah man 123:
Oh, i just know that they come with pre-order. i dont even have the game

Re: Golden guns in Red Dead Redemption
06/29/10 11:45 am | #7
why did u quote me and say nothing?
Re: Golden guns in Red Dead Redemption
06/29/10 1:03 pm | #8
i'm gonna make a game with golden guns and it's gonna sell millions. i'll call it Gears of Redemption

Re: Re: Golden guns in Red Dead Redemption
06/29/10 1:14 pm | #9
Quote by iKhaotic:
i'm gonna make a game with golden guns and it's gonna sell millions. i'll call it Gears of Redemption 

call it...umm...
Red Dead Gears
Modern Gears: Redemption (mw1 had golden guns)
Red Gears Warfare
Gears of Warfare: Redemption
i have no i dea what else to name it xD just find a buncha games w/ golden guns and have fun xD
Re: Golden guns in Red Dead Redemption
06/29/10 1:26 pm | #10
MW1 had golden guns??! 
i don't even remember that lol. i bet it was a reward for getting the max rank in multiplayer though which i never did -_-

i don't even remember that lol. i bet it was a reward for getting the max rank in multiplayer though which i never did -_-
Re: Re: Golden guns in Red Dead Redemption
06/29/10 1:33 pm | #11
Quote by iKhaotic:
MW1 had golden guns??! 
i don't even remember that lol. i bet it was a reward for getting the max rank in multiplayer though which i never did -_-

i don't even remember that lol. i bet it was a reward for getting the max rank in multiplayer though which i never did -_-
nope. if you got all marksman/expert challenges w/ every gun in a set (like got all the headshot/kill challenges for all lmg, smg, snipers, shotguns, ars, etc) then you one of them golden. and of course they had the gold deagle for reachin 60 i think...or somewhere in the 50s...idr
Re: Golden guns in Red Dead Redemption
06/29/10 1:46 pm | #13
ohhh, gotcha. i remember the golden desert eagle now. well in that case, i support the title Gears of Warfare: Redemption. MILLIONS i tell you, MILLIONS.
Re: Golden guns in Red Dead Redemption
06/29/10 2:53 pm | #14
You complete the challenges in free roam or any game mode except single player. Only thing you need is to have the challenge unlocked for the gun you want to be gold. To check your challenges press start and go to journal then to weapons.
Re: Golden guns in Red Dead Redemption
06/29/10 3:04 pm | #15
Just look in your journal under weapons and you can see how close you are, I think theres 3 levels for each weapon kills & headshots . . .
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