Archived: General Knoxx Borderlands DLC
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General Knoxx Borderlands DLC
02/22/10 5:08 pm | #1
Will be available tomorrow 2/23/10 for 800 MS points, guess i have to get me more points dammit..
Re: General Knoxx Borderlands DLC
02/22/10 5:16 pm | #2
Woooo! Good thing I have 1600 points on my account. I hope this is ACTUALLY worth it.
Re: General Knoxx Borderlands DLC
02/22/10 5:29 pm | #3
damnmit, it just HAD to come out while i'm 360-less >_<
oh well, can't wait to play it regardless...
oh well, can't wait to play it regardless...
Re: General Knoxx Borderlands DLC
02/22/10 5:48 pm | #4 I don't have enough games sitting here on the shelf that need to be played. I'm tempted, but still MW2 addicted.
Re: Re: General Knoxx Borderlands DLC
02/22/10 6:55 pm | #6
Quote by AJ:
Woooo! Good thing I have 1600 points on my account. I hope this is ACTUALLY worth it.
tell you what... you buy it first and then let me know!

Re: General Knoxx Borderlands DLC
02/22/10 8:34 pm | #7
Is this last DLC?
Re: Re: General Knoxx Borderlands DLC
02/22/10 8:39 pm | #9
Quote by ReAl ImPuLsE:
Is this last DLC?
I would assume that with how popular they've been so far... if this one is actually good then they're going to keep on making them. If Knoxx sucks then they'll probably just focus on Borderlands 2.
Re: Re: General Knoxx Borderlands DLC
02/22/10 8:46 pm | #10
Quote by ReAl ImPuLsE:
Is this last DLC?
haha, they now have robots to go with the aliens and zombies...... who knows what's next xD
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